- Eminem Kim 歌词
- Eminem
- Aww look at daddy's baby girl
啊~看看爸爸的小丫头 That's daddy baby 爸爸的宝贝儿 Little sleepy head 小瞌睡虫 Yesterday I changed your diaper 昨天我还在给你换尿不湿 Wiped you and powdered you 给你揩得干干净净,给你上粉 How did you get so big 怎么都这么大了 Can't believe it now your two 不敢相信你现在都2岁了 Baby you're so precious 宝贝儿真可爱 Daddy's so proud of you 爸爸真为你骄傲 Sit down bitch 坐下,贱人 If you move again I'll beat the shit out of you 再动我打死你 Eminem] Em (Eminem as Kim) Em以Kim身份演唱 (Okay) OK Don't make me wake this baby 别逼我把宝贝吵醒了 She don't need to see what I'm about to do 我可不想让她看到我要做什么 Quit crying bitch why do you always make me shout at you 别哭啦贱人,为什么你总是逼我吼你 How could you 你怎么能 Just leave me and love him out the blue 就这样抛弃我去爱他(让他从失落的状态走出来) Oh what's a matter Kim 怎么了Kim Am I too loud for you 我太大声了? Too bad bitch your gonna finally hear me out this time 太遗憾了贱人,这次你只能听我讲完了 At first I'm like all right 一开始我似乎还好 You wanna throw me out That's fine! 你要撵我出去,这完全没问题 But not for him to take my place are you out you're mind 但是不能让他来取代我,你疯了吗 This couch this TV this whole house is mine! 沙发、电视、整个房子都是老子的 How could you let him sleep in our bed 你怎么能让他睡在我们的床上 Look at Kim Kim你看 Look at your husband now! 看看你老公 (No!) no I said look at him! 我说看着他 He ain't so hot now is he 他现在不帅了吧 // Em是Kim前夫,杀死了Kim现任丈夫 Little punk! 小xx (Why are you doing this ) 你为什么要这样做 Shut the fuck up! 闭嘴 (You're drunk! You're never going to get away at this!) 你醉了,你逃不掉的 You think I give a fuck! 你认为老子会在乎 Come on we're going for a ride bitch 起来,我们去兜个风 (No!) no Sit up front 坐前面 (Well I can't just leave Haley alone what if she wakes up ) 但是我不能把Haley一个人扔这儿啊,要是她醒了怎么办 //Haley 是Em和Kim女儿 We'll be right back 我们马上就回来 Well I will you'll be in the trunk 不对,是我马上回来,你会待在后备箱 //Em杀死Kim将尸体放在后备箱 1] - So long bitch you did me so wrong 再见了贱人 I don't wanna go on 我不想继续 Living in this world without you 活在没有你的世界 Repeat 1] 重复1 So long bitch you did me so wrong 再见了贱人 I don't wanna go on 我不想继续 Living in this world without you 活在没有你的世界 You really fucked me Kim 你真的耍过我 Kim You really did a number on me 你真的对我玩过小花招 Never knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt me 没想到我以前出轨现在会得到报应 But we was kids then Kim I was only 18 但是那个时候我们都还小啊,我当时才18岁 That was years ago 都已经好多年了 I thought we wiped the slate clean 我以为我们都不再纠结那事了 That's fucked up! 简直太xx (I love you!) 我爱你 Oh God my brain is racing 卧槽,我头要爆了 (I love you!) 我爱你 What are you doing 你干什么 Change the station I hate this song! 换个频道,我恨这首歌 Does this look like a big joke 我像是在开玩笑吗 (No!) no There's a four year old boy lyin' dead with a slit throat 有个4岁的小孩被划破喉咙躺在 In your living room ha-ha 你的卧室,哈哈 What you think I'm kiddin' you 你以为我在开玩笑 You loved him didn't you 你爱过他有没有 (No!) no Bullshit you bitch don't fucking lie to me 放屁,贱人别骗我了 What the fuck's this guy's problem on the side of me 我旁边这家伙TMD有病吗 Fuck you asshole yeah bite me 大爷的xx,打我啊 Kim KIM! Kim Kim Why don't you like me 为什么你不喜欢我 You think I'm ugly don't you 你认为我很丑是不是 (It's not that!) 不是的 No you think I'm ugly 你就是觉得我很丑 (Baby) 亲爱的 Get the fuck away from me don't touch me 滚开,别tm碰我 I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! 我恨你 I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE YOU 我发誓我恨你 OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU 卧槽我爱你 How the fuck could you do this to me 你tm怎么能这样对我 (Sorry!) Sorry! How the fuck could you do this to me 你tm怎么能这样对我 Repeat 1 (2x)] 重复 So long bitch you did me so wrong 再见了贱人 I don't wanna go on 我不想继续 Living in this world without you 活在没有你的世界 So long bitch you did me so wrong 再见了贱人 I don't wanna go on 我不想继续 Living in this world without you 活在没有你的世界 Come on get out 下车 (I can't I'm scared) 我不敢 I said get out bitch! 我说下车 (Let go of my hair please don't do this baby) 放开我的头发,别这样,亲爱的 (Please I love you look we can just take Haley and leave) 求你了,我爱你,你看,我们可以带着Haley一走了之 Fuck you you did this to us 你大爷的,一切都是你一手造成的 You did it it's your fault 都是你的错 Oh my God I'm crackin' up 卧槽我要崩溃了 Get a grip Marshall 振作起来 Marshall //Em原名 Hey remember the time we went to Brian's party hey,记得上次我们去Brian的派对吗 And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over Archie 你好像喝醉了,吐了archie一身 That was funny wasn't it 很好玩是吧 (Yes!) 是的 That was funny wasn't it 很好玩是吧 (Yes!) 是的 See it all makes sense doesn't it 那么这样就讲得通了 是吧 You and your husband have a fight 你和你老公吵了一架 One of you tries to grab a knife 你们其中一个就拿起一把小刀 And during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam's apple sliced 打斗中他不小心把自己喉咙给划破了 (No!) no And while this is goin' on 期间 His son just woke up and he just walks in 他的刚好儿子醒来,走进屋子 She panics and he gets his throat cut 她惊慌了,他的喉咙也被划通了 (Oh my God!) 天啊 So now they both dead and you slash your own throat 现在他们都死了,你要了结你自己 So now it's double homicide and suicide with no note 所以这是两起他杀加一起自杀而且没有遗言 I should have known better when you started to act weird 当她表现很怪的时候我就早应该察觉到的了 We could've HEY! Where you going Get back here! 我们本可以...hey,你要去哪儿,回来 You can't run from me Kim Kim你逃不出我的手掌的 It's just us nobody else! 除了我们没有别人了 You're only making this harder on yourself 你只是在折磨你自己 Ha! Ha! Got'cha! 哈哈,抓到你了 (Ahh!) 啊 Ha! Go ahead yell! 你喊啊 Here I'll scream with you! 来我和你一起喊 AH SOMEBODY HELP! 啊救命啊 Don't you get it bitch no one can hear you 你还不明白吗贱人没人能听到的 Now shut the fuck up and get what's comin to you 现在闭上嘴乖乖等死吧 You were supposed to love me 你应该爱的是我 {*Kim choking*} Kim喉咙被划破 NOW BLEED! BITCH BLEED! 去死吧贱人 BLEED! BITCH BLEED! BLEED! 去死吧 Repeat 1 (2x)] 重复 So long bitch you did me so wrong 再见了贱人 I don't wanna go on 我不想继续 Living in this world without you 活在没有你的世界 So long bitch you did me so wrong 再见了贱人 I don't wanna go on 我不想继续 Living in this world without you 活在没有你的世界