- Owl City Designer Skyline 歌词
- Owl City
- Affection' the gifted architect
热爱,是天生的建筑师 Is making a draft and beautiful design 它促使我绘出蓝图,妙笔生花 The options and possibilities 各种不同的选择和可能 Are endless when we connect and re-align 在达成一直的时候便源源不竭 Collections of books and documents 一堆堆的书籍文件 Arise and parade around my cluttered desk 在我那杂乱的书桌上欢呼雀跃 Reworking the math and measurements 我耐心地重做各种计算和测量 Until I’m convinced these plans are picturesque 直到我相信这些计划 Like mountains in the Midwest 都如那中西部的山岭般如诗如画
头脑碰撞的火花造出条条大路 Reaction creates the columns dark 它们和劳德代尔堡城边的一样宽阔 And wide like the roads around Fort Lauderdale 各种建筑结构慢慢地开始成型 The structures begin to take their shape 在我已经规划好了公共单轨的时候 Before I’ve designed the public monorail 转弯路口,快速车道 The turnpike and high-speed motorway 将宁静的郊区街道连接闭合 Connect and enclose the quaint suburban streets 城市机场,还有那宽阔的吊桥 The airport' the broad suspension bridge 以及河流会合处的湖泊和滩地 The lake and the beach where several rivers meet 都已跃然纸上 Compounded from the spreadsheet 一座城市在夜里熠熠生辉 A city sparkles in the night 为何他能这般的明亮? How can it glow so bright? 初静的社区被包裹在柔和的荧光里 The neighborhoods surround the soft florescent light 我的脑中有一道设计师的天际线
虽然抽象但并不艰涩难懂 Designer skyline in my head 它们从一条条线,转变成了头顶的高楼大厦 Abstract and still well-read You went from numbered lines to buildings overhead