- Sia Sweet Potato 歌词
- Sia
- She cooks you sweet potato,
她为你做了甜薯 you don't like aubergine 她知道你不喜欢吃茄子 She knows to boil the kettle 她知道当你喝的酩酊大醉时 when you hum bars from Grease 会为你烧上一壶热水 She senses you are lonely 她总是感觉到你无依无靠 but still she can't be sure 但她至今还不敢确定 And so she stands and waits, 她只是默默付出着 stands anticipating your thoughts 忍受着你那荒谬的想法 How can she become the psychic 她怎么才能成为 That she longs to be to understand you 迁就你、理解你的知己 How can she become the psychic 她怎么才能成为 That she longs to be to understand you 对你一切都了如指掌的知己 He brushes thoroughly 他浑身上下洗了个遍 He knows she likes fresh breath 她知道她喜欢这样的香味 He rushes to the station 他冲向车站 He waits atop the steps 在最高的台阶上四处张望 He's brought with him a Mars bar 他给她买了一条玛氏巧克力棒 She will not buy Nestlé 他知道她不喜欢雀巢的口味 And later he'll perform 之后 A love-lorn serenade, a trade 他对着她唱起了单身情歌 How can he become the psychic 她怎么才能成为 That he longs to be to understand you 迁就你、理解你的知己 How can he become the psychic 她怎么才能成为 That she longs to be to understand you 对你一切都了如指掌的知己 So give her information 请给她一丝提示 to help her fill the holes 请填满她的心房 Give an ounce of power 给他一点力量 so he does not feel controlled 让他如飞鸟自由 Help her to acknowledge the pain 让她了解 that you are in 你深陷其中的苦痛 Give to him a glimpse of 让她探清 that beneath your skin 你的内心世界 Now my inner dialogue is heaving with detest 我的内心鄙弃横生 I am a martyr and a victim and I need to be caressed 我是一个殉道者、一个受害者,需要你的爱抚 I hate that you negate me, 我讨厌你否定我 I'm a ghost at beck and call 我像极了被你使唤的幽灵 I'm fading and placating, 我迷茫不前,平息了内心中一切的不愿 berate myself for staying 痛斥自己为何不放手 I'm a fool 我就是个为你任劳任怨的傻子呀 I'm a fool 我就是心甘情愿为你付出一切的傻子呀 He greets the stranger meekly, 他笑脸相迎陌路人 a thing that she accepts 她无奈的接受了他的行为 She sees him waiting often 她看见他经常坐在台阶上 with chocolate on the steps 等着那个爱吃玛氏巧克力的女人 He senses she is lonely she's glad they finally met 他看出了她是孤独的,他们那天的相见使她心满意足 They take each other's hands walk into the sunset 他们四目相对,走向了绚烂的夕阳 Do you like sweet potato? 你也喜欢吃甜薯吗?