- Gregorian Lady in Black 歌词
- Gregorian
- She came to me one morning
某日清晨她来到我的身边 One lonely Sunday morning 那是一个孤寂的周日清晨 Her long hair flowing 她的长发飘拂于 In the midwinter wind 隆冬的寒风中 I know not how she found me 我不知她何以找寻到我 For in darkness I was walking 因彼时的我正徘徊于黑暗中 And destruction lay around me 四周环绕的废墟 From a fight I could not win 来自我的一场败仗 Ah ah ah... 啊... She asked me name my foe then 她问我那敌人是谁 I said the need within some men 我回答说正是某些人内心的欲望 To fight and kill their brothers 使得兄弟之间明争暗斗相互残杀 Without thought of love or god 心中的爱或信仰亦消弭于无形 And I begged her give me horses 我恳求她给予我几匹马 To trample down my enemies 好让我去狠狠践踏那些敌人 So eager was my passion 我的怒火不可遏止 To devour this waste of life 迫不及待要去消灭那些垃圾 Ah ah ah... 啊... But she wouldn't think of battle that reduces men to animals 但她不愿目睹那战争令人变得如禽兽一般 So easy to begin 拉开战幕轻而易举 And yet impossible to end 终结战争却不可能 For she's the mother of our men 她是人类之母 Who counselled me so wisely then 她的教诲如此明智 I feared to walk alone again 我不敢再次独自上路 And asked if she would stay 于是请求她与我同行 Ah ah ah... 啊... Oh lady lend your hand outright 女士,请伸出你的手 And let me rest here at your side 让我在你的身旁休憩 Have faith and trust in peace she said 她说要对和平坚定信心 And filled my heart with life 令我的内心焕发生机 There is no strength numbers 力量无法用数字衡量 Have no such misconception 不要心存这般误解 But when you need me 但是在你需要我之时 Be assured I won't be far away 请笃信我就在你的身边 Ah ah ah... 啊... Thus having spoke she turned away 话音刚落她便转身离去 And though I found no words to say 那时的我却哑口无言 I stood and watched until I saw 我伫立原地目送她远离,直至 Her black coat disappear 她的黑袍消失于视野中 My labour is no easier 尽管我任重道远 But now I know I'm not alone 但如今我终于明白自己并非孤军奋战 I find new heart each time 我总会产生新的领悟 I think upon that windy day 每每忆起寒风呼啸那日 And if one day she comes to you 若是有朝一日她来到你的身边 Drink deeply from her words so wise 请尽情取饮她那充满智慧的话语 Take courage from her as your prize 将她带来的勇气作为自己的奖赏 And say hello from me 并代我向她致敬 Ah ah ah... 啊... Ah ah ah... 啊...