- WILD Here We Go 歌词
- 制作人 : Tyler Thompson
勇往直前 Diving in 直面生活的洪流 While the current's fast 弃我去者,昨日之日不可留 Gotta leave the past, it's in the past 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧,我亦不再回头 Yeah I won't look back 点燃一根火柴 Strike a match 看火愈烧愈烈 Watch the flames go higher 如果我们砥砺前行,不悔往事如烟 We can burn much brighter 我们必将比火焰辉煌 If we don't look back 把过去埋葬,心无旁骛 What does it take to leave it all behind 全新的未来将徐徐展现在我们眼前 We’ll see it happen one step at a time 千里之行,始于足下 Here we go 噢~ Ohh....... ~~ Ohhh........ 开弓没有回头箭 No we're never slowing down 亲爱的,我们开始吧 Darling’ Here we go ohh... ~~ Ohhh..... ~~ Ohhh.... 或许我们会茫然若失,直到我们得偿所愿 We'll get lost until we're found 亲爱的,我们做的到 Darling’ here we go 感受热血 Feel the blood 在我的血管里奔流沸腾 rushing through my veins 如同助我翱翔的翅膀 Got some brand new wings 而我们不会回首过往 No we won't go back 放飞梦想,彼此的遐想交织碰撞 What does it take to make our dreams collide 微乎其微的变化却会让你的生活焕然一新 The smallest change can make you feel alive 就是现在,我们开始吧 Here we go ohh 噢~ Ohhh..... ~~ Ohhh..... 或许我们会茫然若失,直到我们得偿所愿 We’ll get lost until we're found 亲爱的,我们做的到 Darling’ here we go ohh 噢~ Ohhh..... ~~ Ohh.... 或许我们会茫然若失,直到我们得偿所愿 We’ll get lost until we're found 亲爱的,我们开始吧 Darling’ here we go 去清晰的感受生命 What does it take to feel this alive 去尝试全新的生活 Everyday we're gonna try 铸就卓尔不群的人生 What does it take to feel this alive 追逐我们的恐惧,直到它们害怕我们而销声匿迹 Chase down our fears til they're forced to hide 去清晰的感受生命 What does it take to feel this alive 去尝试全新的生活 Everyday we're gonna try 我们开始吧 Here we go ohh.... ~~ Ohhh........ ~ 我们不会放慢脚步 Ohh...We're never slowing down 亲爱的,我们做的到 Darling here we go ohhh.... ~~ Ohhh...... 开弓没有回头箭 Ohh....No We're never slowing down 我们不会放慢脚步 No We're never slowing down 或许我们会茫然若失,直到我们得偿所愿 We’ll get lost until we're found 我们必将勇往直前 No We're never slowing down 亲爱的,我们要开辟全新的未来 Darling here we go