- Vila The Sacred Story 歌词
- Vila
- The Sacred Story
这则神话, Taken from the Oracles 摘录自神谕。 Olympians gather 奥林匹克之众神已集结于此! Titans gather 泰坦们也已聚集! The stage is set 舞台已准备就绪! A larger than life experience 这是一次不同凡响的经历, A monumental happening 也是一则永垂不朽的神话。 Now muster this 此时此刻,集结起来吧!
The Kraken has awoken 北海巨妖已经苏醒, The Chimera have ascended 奇美拉也已开始向更高处进发, Cerberus will ride with Medusa 美杜莎将会骑着地狱犬, And cyclopses have gathered an army 独眼巨人的军队已整装待发。 Is the world ready for this 世界准备好迎接这场史诗战争了吗? Are you prepared 那么你呢? Evil has united 恶魔已经联合起来, Will the Gods abandon us 而神明又是否会抛弃我们?
Apollo has spoken 阿波罗发话了, Poseidon has risen 波塞冬从海面升起, The collision of entities is bound to happen 这场冲突注定无法避免。 But one will intervene 但有一位勇士决意介入,
Can he defend 他是否拥有捍卫此地, And stand his ground 并坚守立场的力量? Retain hope 他又能否守护希望, And fulfill his destiny 完成他的使命?