- Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra) 歌词 The Vaccines
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- The Vaccines Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra) 歌词
- The Vaccines
- The Vaccines - Wreckin' Bar Ra
. Pretty girl, wrecking' bar 漂亮女孩,使劲闹吧 Ra ra ra ra yeah you are 啦啦啦释放你的天性 Growing up, I'm twice the man 长大了,我比别人都要成熟 Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I am 嘿嘿嘿我就是这样 . The angel's game, F. Scott Fitzgerald 天使的游戏,F. Scott Fitzgerald
The evening news and the morning herald 《晚间新闻》和《先驱晨报》 I know they're not from very far 我知道他们就在不远处 But those girls do nothing for me 但那些女孩都不愿意理我 . Where you been? You can't say? 你去哪儿了?你不肯告诉我? Hey hey hey hey yeah you may 嘿嘿嘿可能吧 That might seem a bit below 这可能不是很上档次 No no no it's funny though 不不不但它十分有趣 . Let's go home, I think we oughta 我们一起回家吧 I know you're your mother's daughter 我知道你在家很听妈妈的话 Well brought up and royal blue 教养良好,在皇家蓝中长大 But I haven't got the time for you 但我不愿再和你耗时间了 .
Finger pointing, presupposing 指责,预设
Watch out man the doors are closing 小心点,门后可能藏着坏人 This is what you get when you turn your back 他们可能在你背后偷偷使坏 A clear blue sky turning dirty black 清澈的天空下也有灰暗