- Kill like this, feel like ****
这样去,感觉像吃了屎 Ask me why I feel like this 问我为什么感觉这么糟糕 I kill like this, feel like **** 我这样,真是吃了屎 You ask why I feel like this 你问我为什么这么丧 I kill like this, feel like **** 我就是要毁了这糟糕的我 Ask me why I feel like this 问我为何如此痛苦 I kill like this, feel like **** 我这样,真是差劲 You ask why I feel like this 你问我为什么这么绝望
我就是要毁了这差劲的我 I kill like this, feel like **** 问我为什么感觉这么难受 Ask me why I feel like this 我这样去死,真是吃屎般差劲 I kill like this, feel like **** 你问我为何这般痛苦 You ask why I feel like this 我这样,真TM是吃了屎 I kill like this, feel like **** 问我为什么感觉糟糕透了 Ask me why I feel like this 我就是要毁了这狗屎般的我 I kill like this, feel like **** 你问我为什么绝望 You ask why I feel like this 好想去死 Wanna die 让我逃离身后的痛苦吧 Leave my pain behind me 它一直在那狠狠盯着我 Where it stares at me 我听见我的心在向我低语 I hear the whispers from my walls 他们试图鼓励我 And they try to encourage me 结束我的生命,使我逃离 To take my life, run away 但我知道 他们同样害怕我 But I know that they scared of me 触到我的嘴唇 Cyanide touch to my lips 我随意扣动 I pull my trigger casually 吞下Sip 直到结束我的生命
我不是想死 Sip cyanide 'til I take my life 我只是想体验活着的感觉 I don't wanna die 吞下Sip 直到结束我的生命 I just wanna feel alive 我不是去死 Sip cyanide 'til I take my life 我只是想体验活着的感觉 I don't wanna die 慢慢将我杀死吧,宝贝(自己) I just wanna feel alive 我只是想浪费你的时间
生活在炼狱中 Kill me slowly, baby 我脑子里全是陷阱、牢笼 I just wanna waste your time 渐渐杀死我吧,宝贝(自己) Living in a purgatory 我不想浪费你的时间 Trapped inside my mind 我的心里面有太多的声音 Kill me slowly, baby 太多的罪恶,太多的声音 I don't wanna waste your time 脑子里的声音都在催我做出像样的选择 Too many voices inside of my mind 太多的罪恶,太多的声音
在催我做出像样的选择 Too many vices, too many voices In my head to make any decent choices Too many vices, too many voices In my head to make any decent choices