- 孤矢 we made it(remix) 歌词
- 孤矢
- feat. 颠道
作词:周灏、矍荔 作曲:周灏、矍荔
Together we made it We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall 我出生在贫民窟 我是个小人物 是否我的出生 只是为了 填充世界的总人数 不 你可以碌碌无为但是 我有我的任务 再达到目标之前 我选择一直战斗 永不会认输 撑住 前路再难 我也不会倒下 困难再烦 我会统统送他们去绞架 脚下 踩着hater的尸体走过了谷底和悬崖 我开始不停攀爬 再不断勘察 直到到达山顶那一刻我独赏山脚喧哗 Together we made it We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall Forever we waited And they told us we were never going to get it But we took it on the road On the road On the road On the road On the road On the road 我在太空遨游 随着潮流 在我的时空隧道漂流 看到那个最初的我 对待他我毫无保留 我告诉他 现在什么事情值得去做 到底一路曾经陪在身边那么多的人有谁的手才真正值得去握 选择这条路是对的 就算累了不要睡了 他人目光无所谓的 信自己就对了 一觉醒来 我不再烦躁 充满能量 任狂风暴 雨电闪雷鸣 将我环绕 结果谁输谁赢 你会看到 Together we made it We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall Forever we waited And they told us we were never going to get it But we took it on the road On the road On the road On the road On the road On the road 这是孤矢 把他的故事画满这张图纸 穿着他的裤子迈着他的步子依旧那么固执没错我就是这么的酷似 战士 虚伪的人只会在我的身边看 真正的朋友才会和我一起在阵前干 不想把光阴虚度让自己变成一堆枯木 用每一个倒下的自己给在前行的自己铺路 举著说唱的旗号 在蓝图上留下记号 如果可以回到过去和那个我打个密告 我会听到未来的我 告诉我 现在的我才是我的依靠 Together we made it We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall Forever we waited And they told us we were never going to get it But we took it on the road On the road On the road On the road On the road On the road