- Lil Loaded Hard Times 歌词
- HOTBOII Lil Loaded
- [Intro: Lil Loaded]
我们虽身处沟渠 Hard times 但这无碍于我们仰望星空 Gotta know they ain't forever 这些苦难时光 Hard times, hard times 生活中的一切不全是熠熠生辉 Everything ain't glitter and gold 但请记住荆棘之路不会永恒 [Chorus: Lil Loaded] 我们确实历经苦难,但我们现在已然挺了过来 Hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 挺起你的胸膛,兄弟,记住往后生活只会像单调递增函数 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 我们经历了冬天,春天还会远吗? Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better 坚守住自己的信念,乌云之后必有曙光 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 我的厚米背后捅刀子,这把我从心底搞毛 Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better 我们搞事只因为他沦为小人,所以你怎么敢跟他站一边的啊 [Verse 1: Lil Loaded] 值得珍视的不一定是惊天动地的事 My guy switchin' up, it ****ed me up on the inside 我说过我也曾迷茫 We beefing 'cause he snake, so how the **** is you on his side? 但不是所有耀眼光芒的都是来自金子 Everything shine it ain't made of gold 我的城市里许多人红着眼嫉恨我,但我不会让他们把我扔出局 I said I don't know which way to go 真正的狠人贩子现在赚着大钱 Everything shine it ain't made of gold 听着trippleD与之狂欢着的孩子现在也能与他们比肩了 Ayy, most hated in my city, I won't let 'em take me out 兄弟们都是狠人,就像全员的湖人 Real deal killer really got some paper now 好不容易登榜,对手们如今都想着如何巴结我 I hear Triple D nigga rocking with them Haitians now 终于登顶,仇人们现在都知道我是惹不起的货色 Team full of killers like we on the Lakers now 别让狂欢停下来,身处酒池感觉我就是摇滚巨星 Finna top the charts, they know I'ma make it now 倾巢出动,我就是街区里的真神 I'm finna top the charts, they know I'ma make it out 接着舞,名誉让我有摇滚巨星的感觉 Rock out, rock out, I'm a rockstar 带着我的厚米全军出击,让他们见识下什么叫街头之星 Block out, block out, I'm a block star 作为摇滚带师,是时候狂欢了 Rock out, rock out, I'm a rockstar 街区之子,街区之星,带上我的兄弟们一起 Bring the block out, they know I'm the block star 我们头顶虽有乌云,但阳光总会照进 Rockstar, rockstar, time to rock out 坚强点,朋友,生活总会有盼头的 Block baby, block star, bring the block out 历经九九八十一难,我们总能修得正果 [Chorus: Lil Loaded] 拭去眼角的泪吧,厚米,命运总不会辜负有心人的 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 历经艰难,须知眼前困难如西山的落日不会长久 Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better 高昂你的头颅,朋友,命运看不起屈服者 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 历经困苦,我们终将迎来胜利 Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better 撸起袖子加油干,同志,日子总是先苦后甜 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 这些不堪的日子啊 Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better 生活也不是十全十美 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 身处黑暗的迷茫时光啊 Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better 我确实过历经考验,也体验过被生活痛击的滋味 Hard times, hard times, hard times 金钱,裘衣,良驹,我曾把这些都押作生活的赌注 Everything ain't glitter, ain't gold 给小弟套上个任务,为测试忠诚看他会不会执行 Hard times, hard times, hard times 钱早已不是问题,我欲即我所得 [Verse 2: Hotboii] 那些关在号子里的熟悉面孔在一段时间后怎么变得如此面生 I done had hard times, get up, you fall down 挥金如土,这样我的家人兄弟就再也不必为生计奔波 Money, clothes, cars, I put all of that on the line 即兴创作的时候,这就是我全部所想 Put him on a mission just to see if he gon' ride 向上天祈求,只为的是兄弟们能够安稳活着 If money ain't an issue, I see it, I want it now 用钱如喝水,再也不需要贷款什么的,我早已跟那些破事脱了干系 My nigga locked up, ain't been seeing him in a while 走在小康之路上,我一路攀升但也不忘初心 Try to run it up so my people ain't ever need a job 在音乐圈里杀死比赛,这还真是对不起各位 Freestyling and shit be on my brand 不管怎么样,我对这一切都变得不在乎 I just pray to God my nigga make it home one day 即便我是个带艺术家,也是个狼灭 I done ran it up, won't ever need a loan, I'm skraight 早就知道对于12和对手来说我是那个打击对象 Road to riches I'm on the way, I stay down and I elevate 真真切切地渡过难关,以过来人身份说困难不值一提 Kill it then I tell the beat sorry 只需往前进就好了,事情总会好起来的 I'ma go retarded regardless 我们趟过泥沼,办法总比困难多 Even though I'm a big artist, big .40 往前看就好了,一切困苦皆为你的履历 Already knew to the cops and the opps I'm a target 一路走来折磨不少,但苦难是相对短暂的 [Chorus: Lil Loaded] 迈开腿吧,苦心人天不负 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever 我们历经了这么多重考验,心里一定得藏着希望啊 Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better 保持着初心吧,小老弟,你会遇到属于你自己的时刻的 We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better We done had hard times, gotta know they ain't forever Stay solid, lil nigga, you gotta know this shit get better