- Aaron Gordon 9 Out of 10 歌词
- Aaron Gordon
- 9 outta 10, Imma keep it zen
10分给9分,好吧我试着佛系 9 outta 10, can you please fix your lens? 10分给9分,你眼镜还是拿去修修吧 9 outta 10, got you playin' pretend 10分给9分,看出你的小九九了 9 outta 10, here we go again 10分给9分,行那我们开始唠唠 9 outta 10, coulda bout the fam a Benz 10分给9分,本来都可以赚到辆“奔驰” 9 outta 10, are you making a men 10分给9分,你是真滴苟 9 outta 10, prolly lost an M 10分给9分,刚刚好少了点啥 Sh*t ain't nothin man, let it sink in 好吧这些都过去了,我把它抛到脑后了 You used to hoop in your condo so comfortably 你也曾经扣翻全场现在呆在家里退休可舒服了 Knew one day I'd be good, and you'd come for me 但你知道有一天我也会功成名就后你就针对我了 Didn't know it'd make me this hungry 没想到却让我对一切更加渴望 Lookin' at your judgment and everyone's wondering 看着你的评审打分大家都傻眼了 Ride the heat the Windy Cit, did you see the damn coat? 一手遮天“统治”热火和风城,看见那大衣了吗 Saw you in the hallway, you say "youngin, put on a show" 开始前见到我你还说“小伙子给大家整点嘎嘣脆的” Didn't know that's the code for you about to get rolled 却没听出你话里有话最后把我整的都醉了 Even Adam Silver told me I deserve the gold 甚至亚当笑话都认为我应摘得桂冠 Didn't got the trophy, but I got somethin' to hold 与冠军失之交臂,但我仍要保持我的尊严 Deez N*** 天啊老哥 Forgive me bro, I won't sell my soul 原谅我兄弟,我做不到出卖自己的灵魂 Big chillin', paint me as the villain 我就抱怨几句,就把我描绘成小人反派了 And I jumped over the biggest dude in the buildin' 那天我可是在最高的人头上暴扣 Got willin', the best and I still am 老天赏饭吃,我一直都是最强扣将 Your judgement, gives me no fulfillment 你的9分根本无法满足我的天赋 I see you, young OG, I thought you saw the same to me 我见证了你的年少成名,以为你在我身上看到了自己 Legend in my city, promise Imma make you believe 我现在确实是城市英雄,早晚也会让你心服口服 6 years in the league, just wettin' my feet 进入联盟6年,我已站稳脚跟 Them Miami boys is cool, Im still checkin the Heat 热火那小子不赖,可下次球场上见我也真刀真枪不会玩赖 I appreciate the text, and you checkin' for me 我感激你事后发来安慰的讯息 Dreams up a dunk trophy, restin' in peace 而我扣篮大赛冠军的梦想只能画上句号 Reverend Jackson said that's some bulls**t “牧师”杰克逊跟我说那分数是狗屎 Lights, camera, action, you're the culprit 聚光灯下众目睽睽之中大家都知道你才是罪魁祸首 Queen Latifa said we'd do it for the fans 拉蒂法说我们只是为粉丝而扣(美国著名hiphop女歌手) Showed these scars and she says she understands 我给她展示曾经伤痕她说她能理解 Still tryna jump Shaq for the last one 其实本来打算是在奥尼尔头上扣的 Been cool since Uncle Drew, so bygones, we get past 'em 路上遇到德鲁大叔最后才换了点子 Lemme set the record straight 但老子还是得捋清楚 Perfect's, I got 8 最算我拿了8分也只能是因为八分是满分 That'll ring bells all the way to heaven's gates 去天堂评理也是这个理 (The noise in the arena) (扣篮大赛当天球场的原声) This sh*t ain't nothin' man, let that sink in 算了算了,就让这些抛到脑后吧