- The Knocks Dancing With Myself 歌词
- The Knocks
- People come and go yeah
茫茫人海,行色匆匆 Feels like you are so uptight 感觉你 ,心神不宁 And it feels like I keep falling 仿佛是失重摔落的滋味 You are the one I can't lie myself 我与你,如影随形亲密无间 I know the city 城市此景 Light some fire 繁华似锦 Turn me on my head 放眼望去 Street lights are singing 灯火阑珊 Turn it up tonight 今夜 酣畅淋漓 I'm dancing with myself 独自一人,自得其乐 Dancing with myself yeah 独自一人,歌台舞榭 Dancing with myself yeah 独自一人,酣歌醉舞 You've been talking nothing 你默然无语 Frozen words come make no sound 却心领神会 I've been drinking calling 我自斟自饮 Solo fading in and out 余音绕梁不息 I say 美妙之处言之不尽 I know the city 城市此景 Light some fire 繁华似锦 Turn me on my head 放眼望去 Street lights are singing 灯火阑珊 Turn it up tonight 今夜 酣畅淋漓 I'm dancing with myself 独自一人,自得其乐 I'm dancing with myself 独自一人,歌台舞榭 I'm dancing with myself 独自一人,酣歌醉舞 I know the city 城市此景 Light some fire 繁华似锦 Turn me on my head 放眼望去 Street lights are singing 灯火阑珊 Turn it up tonight 今夜 酣畅淋漓 I'm dancing with myself 独自一人,载歌载舞 Turn it up tonight I'm dancing 甘酒嗜音,轻歌曼舞 Turn it up tonight I'm dancing 袅袅不绝,歌台舞榭 Turn it up tonight I'm dancing 高山流水,酣歌醉舞 Turn it up tonight I'm dancing 沉鱼出听 ,凤舞鸾歌 Turn it up tonight I'm dancing 黄莺出谷,莺歌燕舞 Turn it up tonight I'm dancing with myself 今晚,独舞不息 Dancing with myself yeah 此时独舞 Dancing with myself yeah 此景亦独舞