- Pointer 指针 歌词 Udiggwhatiamsayin Takeeightaway
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- Takeeightaway Pointer 指针 歌词
- Udiggwhatiamsayin Takeeightaway
- 编曲 : tnt
二十天后我就要离开了 takeeightaway! 他们想先我一步 as they know me I have twenty days left 装膛待发 They ganna taken the first step 我留下的是我的所有 there was a bullet shot at 我被告知应该怎么做 What I protect is all I have 我想要自己抉择 用我的身体保护my brother save me 对错交给时间而不是别人来判断 back thret已经记录我最快的速度 我依然记得争吵到天亮 我拿起致命的药物又放下 我承认那伤害到了我 我变的虚假 言语有时温暖我心 在抗争中不断的进化 有时像凶器一样锋利 我变的复杂 以前的我喜欢受人关注 I was taught how to go 这一切褪去的太快我没有做任何准备 want to choose for myself 烟雾伤害我但给我带来快乐 The wrong and the right are left to time rather than others life 这些年来我也可以在水中自由沉浮 I still remember arguing until dawn that night 疼痛后总会有甜蜜吧 I have to admit that the injury hit me straight 在幸运这方面我是忠实的信徒 Words are sweet like kisses, warm sometimes 我被告知应该怎么做 Words sometimes as sharp as a knife 我想要自己抉择 when i was young I want to be bright 对错交给时间而不是别人来判断 It happened so fast that I didn't have time 我依然记得争吵到天亮 脱下伪装的我在哪里寻找清白 我承认那伤害到了我 表的指针走向下方 言语有时温暖我心 房间不再空旷 有时像凶器一样锋利 痛苦不可名状 以前的我喜欢受人关注 黑夜来临之前可以没有夕阳 这一切褪去的太快我没有做任何准备 当我无数次掉入陷阱爬起来寻找那光 烟雾伤害我但给我带来快乐 Cigarettes pollute my lungs but bring me pleasure 这些年来我也可以在水中自由沉浮 over few years I can sink and float in the water After pain, sweetness comes later in the lucky group I am a strong believer udiggwhatiamsayin: 老子们想耍就耍还是喜欢耍的轻松 你那些批跨故事还想拿去给谁倾诉 兄弟伙全是硬货打起架来不分轻重 不接受三两句就能把我们打发应付 i don't even trust da 他装出的可怜 背后全是危险 我看过太多嘴脸 表面全部是内敛 那是他们的特点 i dont fall it again i dont want it again 我想法和兄弟们达到了same page 举起我手里的酒杯了干杯 故事都翻篇了过去很狼狈 手表他告诉我时间的昂贵 虽然我不起早但是很贪黑 现实的规则不能去犯规 看见她眼泪我变得惭愧 我拿起致命的药物又放下 我变的虚假 在抗争中不断的进化 我变的复杂 I was taught how to go want to choose for myself The wrong and the right are left to time rather than others life I still remember arguing until dawn that night I have to admit that the injury hit me straight Words are sweet like kisses, warm sometimes Words sometimes as sharp as a knife when i was young I want to be bright It happened so fast that I didn't have time 脱下伪装的我在哪里寻找清白 表的指针走向下方 房间不再空旷 痛苦不可名状 黑夜来临之前可以没有夕阳 当我无数次掉入陷阱爬起来寻找那光 Cigarettes pollute my lungs but bring me pleasure over few years I can sink and float in the water