- Pay money To my Pain Athiest 歌词
- Pay money To my Pain
- Inside my mind I find my downside
我逐渐发现内心的阴暗面 always start to hurt somebody else 总是伤害到身边的人 I give up,this feeling never goes away 放弃抵抗,无力感包围我 without hope,It means nothing to me 希望之火熄灭,万物寂若死灰 I just wanna be free from your hand 渴望挣脱你给的枷锁 This is my life 找寻自己的人生 don't decide,I'll make my choice 无须指手画脚,我正迈向全新的道路 someday I'll reach the sky 直到抵达无人触及的深空 Now I know I won't fall again 不能再意志消沉 God gave burdens,also shoulders 上天将劫难与使命共同交付 then tell me why the people kill themselves 而人们却热衷于自我毁灭 release me from your upper hand 将我从你的掌控中释放 you show yourself just only one time,after I die 或许直至死亡,才能如愿以偿 I just wanna be free from this rage 想抛却这样愤恨 where's that come from? 怨念不知从何而来 live in lies, I can't stand no more 难以忍受继续活在谎言中 There's no way to disappear 无处躲藏 so I cry as hard as I can 只听见自己放声哭喊,声嘶力竭 I will fight for freedom I want 我要为了自由去战斗 I will fight for freedom that's all I want 为了我要的一切去战斗 Inside my mind I find my downside 我逐渐发现内心的阴暗面 always start to hurt somebody else 总是伤害到身边的人 I give up,this feeling never goes away 放弃挣扎,无力感包围我 without hope,It means nothing to me 希望之火熄灭,万物寂若死灰 I just wanna be free from your hand 渴望挣脱你给的枷锁 This is my life 找寻自己的人生 don't decide,I'll make my choice 无须指手画脚,我正迈向全新的道路 someday I'll reach the sky 直到抵达无人触及的深空 Now I know I won't fall again 不能再意志消沉 This war will last forever 这是一场无止尽的战斗 temptation is not a solution 阴谋诡计变得滑稽可笑 I'm free from any desire 我早已脱离欲望的泥沼 take my soul if you can (from me) 愿赌上灵魂与你不死不休