- George Harrison Piggies 歌词
- George Harrison
- Have you seen the little piggies
你们有看到那些小猪仔 Crawling in the dirt 在泥土里打滚儿吗 And for all those little piggies 那些小猪仔子 Life is getting worse 命运越来越惨 Always having dirt to play around in 总在泥土里摸爬滚打 Have you seen the bigger piggies 你们有看到那些大猪 In their starched white shirts 穿着浆得笔挺的白衬衫吗 You will find the bigger piggies 你们会发现那些大猪们 Stirring up the dirt 就算在不停地搅着烂泥 And they always have clean shirts to play around in 也还不是有干净的衬衫可以换 And in their styes with all their backing 它们可是有靠山的 They don't care what goes on around 才不会关心周围发生了什么 And in their eyes there's something lacking 它们眼里好像也缺了点什么 What they need's a damn good whacking 它们需要的只不过是一顿狠狠的痛扁 Yeah, everywhere there's lots of piggies 到处都有那么多小猪 Playing piggy pranks 玩着小猪恶作剧 And you can see them on their trotters 你们可以在它们的小猪蹄儿上看到它们 Down at the piggy banks 在小猪银行 Paying piggy thanks 付钱给小猪 To thee pig brother 还不是多亏了你猪哥 Everywhere there's lots of piggies 到处都有这么多小猪 Living piggy lives 过着猪猡的生活 You can see them out for dinner 你们还可以看到它们出去用餐 With their piggy wives 和它们的小猪婆们 Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon 握着刀叉,吃着它们的培根猪肉 One more time 再来一次