- Crusher-P Thunderstorm 歌词
- Crusher-P
- I have no place being here,
无处可去,无家可归 No, not anymore. 无物可依,无力回天 I should've run when I could, 趁其未始,固应邃逃
当你的名字在旷野中响起 as it began to pour 苍天开始为你哭泣 The temperature drops 就连气温都因你黯然骤降 at the sound of your name 追逐风暴总是 storm chasing is always 一场危险的博弈 a dangerous game 如同狂野的龙卷风
你令我步伐慌乱,神情恍惚 Like a tornado, 却又像犀利的闪电 you swept me off my feet 你使我心惊胆寒,魂不附体 and like a blizard 我双手皆空,身无分文 you chill every bone in me 在点点涟漪中手足无措
曾经守候在我们身旁的友人 I am left with nothing here 都已经在飓风之中化作乌有 Empty handed in the rain 我曾为一道划破夜空的闪电 The people we once were got 而你就是那伴随着我的阵阵轰雷 lost in the hurricane 天雷滚滚而来 I was the lightning 雨水爬满街道 You were the sound that followed me 但我此时并不能转身离开
雨点四起,点滴波澜 The storm is coming 乌云铺天盖地,天昏地暗 Streets are flooding 雨点渐密,淅沥错落 but I can't leave 狂风原地而起,飒然有声
当所有的一切伴随着无边的沉默 It's raining, it's pouring 付诸实践 out there It's thunderstorming 我们知晓,即使遍体鳞伤 It's raining, it's pouring 也必须继续前行 out there It's thunderstorming 为了风暴之子
我愿意献出自己的生命 when it's all been said and done 我们是以真实姿态 without any words 在世界肌肤上刻下的血痕 we know we have to move on 除此之外 even though it hurts 留下的也只有我内心的痛楚
而我所余下的一切 I'd do anything 就是这场暴雨的愈演愈烈 for the eye of the storm 雨点逐重,沥沥凄凄 We were a natural disaster 雷电自天闪耀,霹雳贯霄 in the realest form 雨点瓢泼,蜂拥直下 and all I've got left 雷暴肆意狂虐,雨帘漫天 is the aching in my heart 天地混沌,震撼寰宇 All I've got left is 我一无所有,一文不值 the rain's coming down hard, hard, hard 在狂风暴雨中茫然矗立
我们曾经得到的那些人啊 It's raining, it's pouring 都已迷失在了飓风之中 out there It's thunderstorming 我曾为一道贯彻云霄的闪电 It's raining, it's pouring 而你就是伴我左右的隆隆响雷 out there It's thunderstorming 我拼尽全力,毫无保留 out there It's thunderstorming 却在倾盆大雨中迷失方向
我们曾经结交的那些挚友 I am left with nothing here 都已在飓风中纷纷离去 Empty handed in the rain 我曾为一道撼动天地的闪电 The people we once were got 而你就是随我而生的层层惊雷 lost in the hurricane 黑云压城城欲摧 I was the lightning 水浪汹涌银鳞开 You were the sound that followed me 但我并不能从中脱身
雨点四起,点滴波澜 I am left with nothing here 乌云铺天盖地,天昏地暗 Empty handed in the rain 雨点渐密,淅沥错落 The people we once were got 狂风原地而起,飒然有声 lost in the hurricane 雨点逐重,沥沥凄凄 I was the lightning 雷电自天闪耀,霹雳贯霄 You were the sound that followed me 雨点瓢泼,蜂拥而下
雷暴肆意狂虐,雨帘漫天 The storm is coming 雷暴肆意狂虐,雨帘漫天 Streets are flooding but I can't leave
It's raining, it's pouring out there It's thunderstorming It's raining, it's pouring out there It's thunderstorming It's raining, it's pouring out there It's thunderstorming It's raining, it's pouring out there It's thunderstorming