- Sufjan Stevens Star Of Wonder 歌词
- Sufjan Stevens
- I call you from the comet's cradle
我从彗星的摇篮向你发出呼唤 I found you trembling by yourself 我发现你在独自瑟瑟发抖 When the night falls, lightly on your right wing shoulder 当夜幕降临,轻轻笼罩你右翼的肩膀 Wonderful know it all, slightly where the night gets colder 了不起的无所不知者,在夜色渐冷之处
哦,良心啊,你要将我带往哪里? Oh, conscience, where will you carry me? 我找到了你,组成可怕塑像的星星 I found you, star of terrifying effigies 当夜幕降临 When the night falls, 我跋涉到那座城堡 I carry myself to the fortress 因着你的光辉 Of your glorious cause, oh how 我或许能找寻你的城堡 I may seek your fortress 当夜幕降临,我们望见了奇迹之星 When the night falls, we see the star of wonder 美妙的夜晚到来,我们看到了你,我们看到你在那儿 Wonderful night falls, we see you, we see you there 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里
我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到我心里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard 我看到那星辰 纷纷落下,要降落到院子里 I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to my heart I see the stars coming down there, coming down there to the yard