- Little Richard Lucille 歌词
- Little Richard
- little richard -lucile
Lucille, you won't do your Sisters' will? 露西尔,你不会做你姐姐的事吧?
露西尔,你不会做你姐姐的事吧? Lucille, you won't do your Sisters' will? 她跑出去结婚了
但我仍深爱她 She ran out and maried 露西尔,请回到属于你的地方来吧 But I Love her still 露西尔,请回到属于你的地方来吧
宝贝我对你关怀备至 Lucille, please come back where you belong 请不要余我独自一人
今早醒来,露西尔消失了 Lucille, please come back where you belong 我向朋友打听她的消息,但是杳无音讯,他们守口如瓶
露西尔,请回到属于你的地方来吧 I've been good to you baby 宝贝我一直待你不薄 Please don't leave me alone 请不要留我独守空房
今早醒来,露西尔消失了 Well, I woke up this morning, Lucille was not in sight 我向朋友打听她的消息,但是了无音信,他们缄口不言 I asked my friends about her but no, all their lips were tight 露西尔,请回到属于你的地方来吧 Lucille, please come back where you belong 宝贝我对你体贴入微
请不要让我孑然一身 I've been good to you baby 露西尔,宝贝满足我的心吧 Please don't leave me alone 露西尔,宝贝宽慰我的心吧 Well, I woke up this morning, Lucille was not in sight 宝贝我想与你长相厮守 I asked my friends about her but no, all their lips were tight 给你一个美妙的开始 Lucille, please come back where you belong
I've been good to you baby Please don't leave me alone Lucille, baby satisfy my heart
Lucille, baby satisfy my heart
I'll living with you baby And give you such a wonderful start