- Black Veil Brides Let You Down 歌词
- Black Veil Brides
- After the blood, After the tears have fallen down like rain
在鲜血和泪水如同雨水般淌下之后 A loaded gun shot through the years and heaven was to blame 一把上膛的枪击穿时光,而这些罪归咎天堂 I'll take on all your shattered dreams 我会带上你那破碎的梦 I'd give you almost anything 我愿将我一切奉献给你 A chance to rise above the fog 一个从迷雾中崛起的机会 I swear these words are true. I believe in you 我发誓这些话语皆为真实。我相信你 I'll never let you down 我永不让你失望 I promise right here. Right now 此时此刻我立下誓言 I won't let you down 我永不让你失望 (Woah) woah I'll never let you down 我永不让你失望 Our faith will silence the doubt 我们的信仰将让质疑之声消失 I won't let you down 我永不让你失望 (Woah) woah
毒蛇之触让我们知道恶魔正在靠近我们 The serpent's touch has made it clear that evils on it's way 在这片不毛之地上,我们将继续活下去 This desert land of broken mirrors, we live another day 我会成为你的亵渎之言。一场以悲剧打响的战争 I'll become all your blasphemy. A war that's fought with tragedy 我们在这些墙上所留下的累累伤痕 The scars we've left along these walls 我发誓我的这些话语皆为真实。我相信你 I swear these words are true. I believe in you. 我永不让你失望 I'll never let you down 此时此刻我立下誓言 I promise right here. Right now 我永不让你失望 I wont let you down woah (Woah) 我永不让你失望 I'll never let you down 我们的信仰将让质疑之声消失 Our faith will silence the doubt 我永不让你失望 I won't let you down woah (Woah) 在这死亡之夜我们将为这场战斗重振旗鼓
太阳点燃我们涅槃重生的勇气 In the dead of night we'll rise of one for the fight 我绝不让你失望 The sun ignites the spirit back to our lives 我绝不让你失望 I won't ever let you down 我相信你 I won't ever let you down 我绝不让你失望 (I believe in you) 此时此刻我立下誓言
我绝不让你失望 I'll never let you down woah I promise right here. Right now 我绝不让你失望 I wont let you down 我们的信仰将让质疑之声消失 (Woah) 我绝不让你失望 I'll never let you down woah Our faith will silence the doubt 我绝不让你失望 I won't let you down (Woah) I won't let you down