- Angel Haze Resurrection 歌词
- Angel Haze
- 2014, the year I died
我死在2014年 Now I'm resurrected like Jesus Christ 现在我像耶稣一样涅槃重生 I mean, y'all can tell by the shit I drive 我是说,从我做的事你们就能看出来 When the doors go "Ah" like frequent flights 我把门“啊”的一声甩死 像声音大得像飞机飞过 I mean, look inside my crib, look inside my whip 我是说,看看那些束缚我的,那些鞭挞我的 Big old body men and I can't drive for shit 年长的男人们,我可受不了 If I phone home is a spaceship 如果我从飞船里往家打电话 Nigga, in my budget was a motherfuckin' facelift, nigga what 伙计,那话费可他妈得从我的整容手术预算里出 Anyway, fuck what you heard and shit 无论如何,去他妈的那些谣言和烂事 I'm from 7 mile, I make urban shit 我从七英里大桥来,我可是城里人 And my homies all fuck suburban chicks 我家乡来的那群女的都他妈是郊区土鳖 But I just keepin' player with my urban bitch 老娘只跟城里人来事 I'm yellin' "D-day, d-day, d-day, d-day, d-day" 我喊道“今天可是个大日子!"(D-day是军事术语 经常用来代指诺曼底登陆) You a broke bitch, I don't relay, relay 你这穷婊子,我都懒得把这消息告诉你 Before I even show up they gotta prepay, prepay 我到达之前他们都得提前准备 May in time runnin' out, bit relay, relay, relay 可能在最后时刻我会告诉他们一点
我刚买了一座小岛 I just bought an island wildin' crib 岛太大了,以至于他们想把我的经纪人费用翻倍 So big they doubled up the brokerage fee 碧池们看见我到我的岛上去撒野都得跟我寒暄”嘿Oglevee教授“ Bitches see me park and go wild and be screamin' "Hey Professor Oglevee" 前任们,圆滑处世,性向,各种消息 Exes, flexin', sexin', textin' 我都不在乎,不予理会 I don't really care, I caught me a colder piece 我让自己变得如此强大,有一个人能动我一根毫毛吗? I just let my shit get so strong, can't nobody here hold me? 是的,我涅槃重生 Yeah, resurrection, woo 靠,我太完美 Damn, my perfection 我更加投入,就是要给他们个教训 I just doubled down and make them niggas learn their lesson 我高呼”我涅槃重生!“ I was like "Yeah, resurrection", woohoo 2016年,我的崛起之年
像凤凰一样,是的我的事业快速腾飞 2016, the year I rise 买辆新迈凯伦只为代代步 Like the Phoenix, yeah man, my shit on fire 你不尊重我,我就骑你脸上 Copt the new McClan just to sit outside 等等,别把我的东西就这么搁在这 And if you disrespect me yea the clit gonna ride 嘿碧池别动我的东西 Wait, please dont front all my shit like that 我为了那个胸章失去了灵魂 Woah bitch don't touch, hold my shit like that 我已经走出太远,回头路不再可选 Lost all my soul just to get that plaque 等等,我可不是说我后悔了 And it's been way too long for me to get that back 只有符合我审美的事我才办 Wait, not that I say I regret it 等等,我觉得他们只是在拒绝接受 We only fuck if you match my aesthetic 憎恨一切与众不同的东西,那可太可悲了 Wait, I think they all just rejecting 我只依据我自己的观点办事 Hate what you not and that shit is pathetic 我猜他们可能有能力影响我 Wait, I just do what my perspective 那我就偏离方向 And I guess they got some power to it 我会为此不计代价 I just moved out of direction 我刚买了一座小岛 Then I drove like 30 hours to it 岛太大了,以至于他们想把我的经纪人费用翻倍
碧池们看见我到我的岛上去撒野都得跟我寒暄 I just bought an island wildin' crib 前任们,圆滑处世,性向,各种消息 So big they doubled up the brokerage fee 我都不在乎,不予理会 Bitches see me park or go wild and be screamin' 我让自己变得如此强大,有一个人能动我一根毫毛吗? Exes, flexin', sexin', textin' 是的,我涅槃重生 I don't really care, I caught me a colder piece 靠,我太完美 I just let my shit get so strong, can't nobody here hold me? 我更加投入,就是要给他们个教训 Yeah, resurrection, woo 我高呼”我涅槃重生!“ Damn, my perfection 没人,没人能拯救你 I just doubled down and make them niggas learn their lesson 你死在魔鬼身上,你依附着魔鬼生存 I was like "Yeah, resurrection", woohoohoo Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
涅槃重生 No one, no one, no one can save you now 没人,没有别人 You die upon the devil, raise you now 没人,没有人能拯救我 Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh 我死在魔鬼身上,我依附着魔鬼生存 Resurrection 一切都是老样子 No one, no one, no one No one, no one, no one could save me now I die upon the devil, raise me now And call me nothing new