- Lincoln Brewster There Is Power 歌词
- Lincoln Brewster
- Where two or more
只要有两个或以上的人 Are gathered in His name 奉祂的名聚会(参考 太(Mat)18:20) He is there 祂就会在那 Where two or more 无论谁到来 Are gathered in His name 只要虔诚奔向投靠祂 He is there 祂会在那等待 For all who come 有大能权柄 Who run to Him in faith 存乎耶稣圣名上 He is there 有无限力量 There is power 力量存乎祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 有刚强之心 There is power 存乎耶稣圣名上 Power in His name 有生命源泉 There is power 源泉流淌祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 无惧怕,无谎言 There is power 能再与我们对抗 Power in His name 祂就在此 No fear, no lie 真理话语 已至此 Can stand against us now 让怀疑烟消云散 He is here 祂就在此 The Word has come 有大能权柄 To silence every doubt 存乎耶稣圣名上 He is here 有无限力量 There is power 力量存乎祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 有刚强之心 There is power 存乎耶稣圣名上 Power in His name 有生命源泉 There is power 源泉流淌祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 唯有一圣名.此名能救赎 There is power 此名打破每道枷锁 Power in His name 这圣名,永存在 One name, One name can save 这名便是主耶稣 One name breaks every chain 唯有一圣名.此名不改变 One name, always 唯有此圣名,我们要宣扬 One name, Jesus 这圣名,永存在 One name, One name remains 唯有一圣名 One name, we will proclaim 有大能权柄 One name, always 存乎耶稣圣名上 One name 有无限力量 There is power 力量存乎祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 有刚强之心 There is power 存乎耶稣圣名上 Power in His name 有生命源泉 There is power 源泉流淌祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 有大能权柄 There is power 存乎耶稣圣名上 Power in His name 有无限力量 There is power 力量存乎祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 有刚强之心 There is power 存乎耶稣圣名上 Power in His name 有生命源泉 There is power 源泉流淌祂圣名 In the name of Jesus 喔哦噢......... There is power 耶稣圣名有大能权柄 Power in His name 喔哦噢......... Whoooooah... 耶稣圣名有无限力量 There is power in His name 喔哦噢......... Whoooooah... There is power in His name Whoooooah...