- Jack Savoretti Harder Than Easy 歌词
- Jack Savoretti
- Harder Than Easy - Jack Savoretti
相识容易相处难 So you think that Im harder than easy, 你说我相识容易相处难 And you find me as strange as the truth 觉得我实际上就是个怪咖 Im as guilty of judging as you are, 和你一样,我爱给他人下定义,对此我愧疚无比 But the difference is I dont judge you 但不同的是,我从不定义你 You believed in your fairytale endings, 你会有一个童话般的结局,对此你曾经深信不疑 Now you find yourself down on your knees, 现在你发觉不得向现实不妥协 Like a rock thats been changed by the ocean, 像一颗礁石被磨平了棱角
像一艘沉船迷失在深海里 Or a shipwreck lost out at sea 为我唱首情歌吧 Sing me a love song, 我是你的爱人 Im your man 我会倾尽全力 I will always love you 永远爱你 The best I can 在我们迷离如诗的故事里 In our story of riddles and poems 你的一字一句冰冷如石 Every word that you speak tastes like stone 就像小丑无心哼唱的旋律 Like a melody sung by a jester 一些抄袭,一些自创 Some are stolen, some are your own 你强烈要求独处 At the end of the day when youre lonely 却在夜深人静之时深感孤独 After begging to be left alone 这样的世界你视之为王国 You can look at this world as your kingdom 若你愿意的话,让我成为你的港湾 If you want you can make me your home 为我唱首情歌吧 Sing me a love song, 我是你的爱人 Im your man 我会倾尽所有 I will always love you 爱你至死不渝 the best I can 将我紧紧相拥,不要让我离去 Hold me close dont let me go 我会深深爱着你 I will always love you the most 为我唱支情歌吧 Sing me a love song, 你是我的爱人 your my man 你会尽全力来爱我吗 Will you always love me the best you can?