- Daria G 21 歌词
- 朱彦安 Daria G
- 编曲 : 朱彦安
我怀念我们曾一起走过的街道 I missed the way we walked down those streets 与你一起时我不需忧虑 Having nothing on our mind , that night 那是一个寒风凛冽的夜晚 It was cold winter night 但你的陪伴让风温柔了很多 But the wind blew lightly when you were by my side 时光匆匆 Times flies just so fast 请等等我吧 Please wait a little bit 让我喘口气 Let me catch my breath 与你相处的短暂时光竟成了我的回忆 This is so crazy how seconds turn into memories 我想要时间静止 I want to hold it 但时光易逝 But flash is fleeting 所以是时候来找你叙旧了 So maybe and maybe it's time to create more memories 我怀念我们一起走过的路 I missed the way we walked in 手拿暖饮大声畅谈 Holding warm cups loudly talking 我们的思想在遨游 Our minds were wandering 因为我们是如此有理想和抱负 Because we were so passionate 我怀念我们一起骑行过的路 I missed the way we rode in 毫不犹豫勇猛向前 Driving forward without thinking 因为时光易逝青春常在 Cause time is flowing 才是我们活在的世界 And this is the world we live in 这些日子里所有事情都变化很大 Everything has changed a lot these days 这是我未曾预料到的 It was so unexpected 但从不觉得我与你疏远 But i don't feel like i am so far from you 因为我们心有灵犀 I know we are connected , uh , oh 时光匆匆 Times flies so fast 请等等我吧 Please wait a little bit 让我喘口气 Let me catch my breath 与你相处的短暂时光竟成为了回忆 This is so crazy how seconds turn into memories 我想要时间静止 I want to hold it 但时光易逝 But time is fleeting 所以是时候来找你叙旧了 So maybe and maybe it's time to create more memories 我怀念我们一起走过的路 I missed the way we walked in 手拿暖饮大声畅谈 Holding warm cups loudly talking 我们的思想在遨游 Our minds were wandering 因为我们是如此有理想和抱负 Because we were so passionate 我怀念我们一起骑行过的路 I missed the way we rode in 毫不犹豫勇猛向前 Driving forward without thinking 因为时光易逝青春常在 Cause time is flowing 才是我们活在的世界 And this is the world we live in 你可以说我是个孤独的人 loner , loner , loner 或许我就是吧 Now i got it that's my time 但我真的想做回自己 Really,really,really wanna be myself tonight 我想要时间静止 I wantt to hold it 但时光易逝 But flash is fleeting 所以是时候来找你叙旧了 So maybe and maybe it's time to create more memories 我怀念我们一起走过的路 I missed the way we walked in 手拿暖饮大声畅谈 Holding warm cups loudly talking 我们的思想在遨游 Our minds were wandering 因为我们是如此有理想和抱负 Because we were so passionate 我怀念我们一起骑行过的路 I missed the way we rode in 毫不犹豫勇猛向前 Driving forward without thinking 因为时光易逝青春常在 Cause time is flowing 才是我们活着的世界 And this is the world we live in 这才是我们的世界 And this is the world we live in 我们活在 We live in 我们活在 We live in 我们活在 We live in 我们活在有理想和抱负的世界 This is the world we live in ♡