- Kalie秀妍 我也是人 歌词
- Kalie秀妍
- 我也是人
I’m Human Too 词曲唱:Kalie秀妍 Songwriting&Performing: Kalie秀妍 制作人:JKAI Producer:JKAI 编曲:NEX7 Beat Producer:NEX7 告诉我多少仇恨才算够 Tell me how much hate is enough 难道只有流血才能让我们醒悟 Is it only through blood can we all wake up 告诉我 我是不是真的那么不同 Tell me am I really that different 不同到让你忘记了我也是人 To make you forget that I’m human too 还要重复多少次你才相信这里也是我的家 I've lived in this hood not a day less than you do 同样在落基山下太平洋港湾出生长大 But even if I didn’t It's not a fair reason to be rude 你却只看到我的肤色 听不进我的想法 Yet everything you see is where I'm from and how I look 你举起拳头棍棒挥向的是我的爸和妈 Everything you know about me is all outdated or made up 不管我在长大之后做了多久的模范和精英 No matter for how long I’ve been the so called model group 每当遭遇不公平为什么只有我需要静音 Yet still why I’m the one expected to behave 承受非议 当灾难发生 To bear the blame 尽管不是我造成 for tragedies I've nothing to do 遭受羞辱 当罪恶降临 And wear the shame 哪怕我才是受害人 Of the crimes when I am the victim 告诉我谁有权力从出生那天决定命运的走向 Tell me who’s to determine one’s fate at birth 还要怎样的贡献才能让多样不止在广告上 How much more contribution would make representation pass appearance 是不是我要在这个世界留下我 的痕迹只有通过遗像 Is it only through death can I make my mark on earth 它被无限传播以正义的名义却逐渐变了样 And why is boundless information only making things worse 告诉我为何是我要终日在恐惧的阴影下祈求 Tell me why I'm the one living in fear on snooze 当扣动扳机的手才真正有畏惧的理由 When the hand holding the iron that’s afraid of the truth 就是他们没有其他方法寻找存在的意义 That they have no other way to prove their worth 他们唯一掌握的语言却被拿来制造暴力 The only language they speak they use it to curse 告诉我多少仇恨才算够 How much hate is enough 难道只有流血才能让我们醒悟 Is it only through blood can we all wake up 告诉我 我是不是真的那么不同 Tell me am I really that different 不同到让你忘记了我也是人 To make you forget that I’m human too 告诉我为何伟大发明总是被用来制造武器和无用的垃圾 Misused grand inventions spurring weapons and junk 为何年轻的一代总是插上气罐变成垮掉的共同体 Misleading generations and suck up the future with a tuck 变得沉迷、麻痹、偏激、自暴自弃 Make us addicted, sedated, and paranoid punk 游荡在街头不管它是现实还是虚拟 Meandering the streets virtual or not at night like skunks 告诉我究竟要到何时人们才能明白 Tell me when can we finally come into realization 人性是牵木偶的线当操控的力量腐坏 Feelings taken advantage of by our own imagination 为利益创造的主义引领的终点是衰败 And made up notions are leading us into condemnation 成败萧何若真是宿命如何卷土再重来 Hail creation what a great civilization 我也会呼吸、思考也有悲欢和恐惧 I’m a son like you, daughter like you I breath, think and feel like you 也有不同肤色的兄弟姐妹不分时区领域 I have brothers and sisters of different colours shape and I though you knew 我有代表的传承和信仰你都没有兴趣 Yet you take it all away from someone you know nothing about 仅凭幻想就可以将生命连同梦想也拿去 Leaving the land once filled with dreams now with fears and doubt 告诉我多少仇恨才算够 How much hate is enough 难道只有流血才能让我们醒悟 Is it only through blood can we all wake up 告诉我 我是不是真的那么不同 Tell me am I really that different 不同到让你忘记了我也是人 To make you forget that I’m human too 告诉我 为何你宁愿相信利益驱动的谎言 Tell me why would you rather believe in lies made by the cunning 也不愿意睁开眼去看一看身边 去相信 Than opening your eyes and look at your surroundings 平凡的真实甚至不用亲自去检验 Where real life is happing and don’t even need you to examine 是不是怕历史的镜子照见自己的脸 Don’t tell me in the mirror of history you didn’t see your own face coming 害怕被超越所以把偏见当做底线 Stereotypes as the bottom line till the day you die 害怕被发现坚守的信仰吸食自己的血 Your own believes are sucking your own blood dry 为了虚无的优越感对真实的伤害视而不见 Why do you ignore real harm for supreme rights 这是一场无可避免的战争尽管没有硝烟 This is war we can't deny that's about you and I 告诉我如今的我们变成了怎样的一辈 Tell me what have we become 无限的可能中我们选择了向下坠 With the world of possibilities we’ve chosen doom 冷酷麻木地把矛头指向同类 Turning against each other cold and numb 所谓的自由民主只让民众变得更愚昧 So called liberty has only made us more dumb 告诉我还要多少仇恨才算够 How much more hate is enough 难道只有流血才能让我们醒悟 Is it only through blood can we all wake up 告诉我 我是不是真的那么不同 Tell me am I really that different 不同到让你忘记了我也是人 To make you forget that I’m human too