- Foster The People Houdini 歌词
- Foster The People
- Rise above gonna start a war
排除万难,蓄势待发吧 Oh whatcha want whatcha need whatcha come here for 你想要什么、需求什么、到这里的目的又是什么 Well an eye for an eye and an F for fight 行吧,以眼还眼、以暴制暴 Taking me down as the prisoners riot 如同镇压暴动的囚徒,最终我不幸缴械投降 Got shackles on,my words are tied 枷锁缠身,无法优哉游哉;桎梏封喉,无法抒已之怀 Fear can make me compromise 恐惧或许能让我选择妥协 With the lights turned up it's hard to hide 但聚光灯点亮之时,一切就难以遮盖 Sometimes I want to disappear 故有时候,我只想一个人--静静 When I feel kinda bad and don’t want to stress 感觉不良到无以复加的时候 Just pass it off on ability 就把心中郁结泼墨于才华(作品)之上 Well you got whatcha want whatcha never knew 你得到了渴求之物和未曾知晓的真相 Perfect gift from me to you 这些就是我所能赋予的最完美之赠礼 Yeah yeah yeah Got shackles on,my words are tied 镣铐禁体,插翅也难飞;浓胶堵嘴,欲发却难言 Fear can make me compromise 恐惧或许能让我选择屈服 With the lights turned up it's hard to hide 但聚光灯打开之时,一切便昭然若揭 Sometimes I want to disappear 有时候啊,我真想就此销声匿迹 Raise up to your ability 去尽情展现你的才华吧 You never knew what I could find 你永远不会知道,我能找到什么 What could come when we realize 也不会知晓当我们领悟到后,还会发生什么 I don't want to compromise 我一点也不想做出让步 Raise up to your ability 去尽情书写你的才华吧 Yeah I'm scared but I'll disappear 是的,我很害怕但我还是会选择就此消失 Run around before I'll come with you 但在逃离此地之前,我就会被你牵引 Like he's someone who's lost his way 好似一个人失掉所有方向(自我) Raise up to your ability 去尽情挥洒你的才华吧 I know that you wanna 我知道你想得到(它) Cause it was easy to see of my ability 因为我的才华是这样的光彩夺目 Raise up to your ability 去尽情迸发你的才华吧 Yeah you're undecided 是的,既然你还在犹豫不决 Yeah so I can see it 是的,然而我早已看穿一切 Yeah I'm just wanna run away 是的,因此我只想趁早逃离这里 Focus on your ability 专注于你的能力 Focus on your ability 专注于你的能力吧 Now focus on your ability 去用心修炼你的才华 Focus on your ability 你得全神贯注去修炼你的才华 Can't get what they want to steal 他们就无法偷走所求之物 Can't get what they want to steal 他们就无法夺取渴望之物 Then they can't get what they want to steal 这样他们就无法达到目标 Can't get what they want to steal 这样他们就无法达到企图