- CallKing Give it 2 Yall 歌词
- CallKing
- When you look my eyes
去找到所有答案 这是最后的allotted time 在末班车来临前追赶 is never too late 脱去曾经那个hate 等船头靠岸 步履阑珊别再问我maybe the end重新换装变different we can 在放笔前路又走一半 hold on please don't leave my friend oh work just give ready man 还需要power 不再重复质问how so 别靠近doctor 把疑难带进你耳朵 给自己疗伤 再尝遍百草后获知良方 loser笑你模样 不知金矿早已塞满粮仓 damn 这是谁在叙事 夹杂着心酸藏进自己写的句子 妄想free me被现实遏制 dirty dirty别再把我侵蚀 Ture love is lonely but you own all of it my only Phone always ringing can't stop to help these nuts ohh holy Why are the people wanna be dough they reply that **** around me Running to rob neighbors without real stuff my pal so ****** foolish Why you don't take care your mom your family need a guy who real tough Why you don't tacle all your **** and imitate cool hom to rap Why you always have time to post you damn pics Everyone fail when they lose themselves I deal with god she say the huge gap i can feel Little fella You say peace and love i say **** you definitely you are not you ain't **** go neet my god A piece of **** why you don't go **** with your trap **** fleeings you already kill it the ball's center needs my hot beat call me big daddy not your head we bomb it 困难在你面前我说过 要直面 年轻时说过的大话 我得实现 我要爱我的人 在台下呐喊助威 再把传递的麦 一直大胆助推 Good life一切应该源自缤纷 我从callking看到我的前世今生 keep it real就是能够你我掏心 我看到他们为钱 而在“比武招亲” 看我们把中英文FLOW各种结合 是去或留 答案给你抉择 那就剖出内心 现实做次手术 十年前我就为此 预支首付 多希望这次能够住你梦想的窝 付出行动总比幻想几率中奖的多 我为宾利奋斗 你只有开众泰的命 那就下站终点看着我们痛快的进