- Monstercat Little Too Close 歌词
- Monstercat
- [Indie Dance] - WRLD - Little Too Close (feat. Veronika Redd)
[Monstercat EP Release]2015年8月24日发布 你好,你是否还能记起我呢? Hey, do you remember me? 是啊,我就是那个被你偷了心的女孩啊. I'm the girl whose heart you stole 我给了你我的全部,并不奢求回报. I don't want it back, please, you can keep it 我的心到底是什么做的. My mind's made up on who I want holding it 你时而热情似火,时而又冰冷如雪. You're a little too close, but too far away 你有时近在咫尺,有时又远在天边. It's much too early, but it's far too late 可能我现在太老了,或许,我又只是害怕你的离开. Maybe I'm too old now, Or just afraid, that you'll walk away --- 只需一眼,我就能爱上你. Just a glance is all it took For me to fall with you 但是你甚至不知道我在看着你. But you don't even know that you were looking at me 当你开心时,我能从你的眼睛里感受到那份开心. And when you smile, smile with your eyes 当我在困难面前跌倒时,你的目光却越过了我,看向了他人. Eyes that pass right over me like I was out of place as I fell to be 你有时近在咫尺,有时又远在天边. You're a little too close, but too far away 这可能为时尚早,却又可能为时已晚. It's much too early, but it's far too late 可能我现在太老了,或许,我又只是害怕你的离开. Maybe I'm too old now, Or just afraid, that you'll walk away 你跨过我,来到了一片广阔的海洋. You're acroos the road from me,It's an ocean wide 海洋将我们揉搓在一起. And the current's pulling us 却又把我抛开. Dragging me aside 你是一个星座,而我只是一颗星星. Oh, you're a constellation And I'm just a star 这是一个你永远不会注意我的世界. Begging the universe That you'll never notice me at all --- 当你不辞而别,我手无足措. When you're gone, I don't know what to say 当你和我在一起时,不管怎样,我都默默无言. And when you're with me, I can't say anything, anyway 所以,只需要相信我,甚至当相信二字从未说出口. So just believe me, even if the words don't come out 这二字,在我的脑海中,也卡在我嘴边,无法说出. They're here inside my head, stuck inside my mouth