- CG5 Spotlight 2 歌词
- CG5
- Ay~
哎↑ ↓ I’m that little devil 我是那个小恶魔 I’m that little devil 是小恶魔鸭~ I’m that little devil 我是小恶魔 And I am every where 对,哪儿都有我 I’m that little devil 我就是那个邪恶的小东西 And I am every where 我无处不在 What is it that makes us creepy? 我们为啥会变得这么可怕? Or do you even care? 诶,你到底在不在乎啊 Let's get to skulking, lurking our ink machine 让我们一起去作妖吧 is finally working. 咱的墨水机……终于动了 We were your creation. 我们奉您为造物主 Never knew you'd lie. 谁知道你搁这儿扯谎呢 Time to believe that you can never leave, 你这辈子甭想离开了 No matter how hard you try. 再怎么试也没用 Don't hate, appreciate, 别觉得我们讨厌,欣赏一下下不好吗 The arrival of your sorry fate. 你的厄运要来辣~ You really think I want to kill? 你真以为我要鲨人? The ink you see can't be distilled. 这些墨水可不会被净化 I can tell it's not your day, 我告诉你,今天你可不太走运 Well too bad! I'm here to stay. 真不巧,我还赖在这里不走了 Our surprise is your demise, 我们将给您献上名为死亡的惊喜 Close your lying eyes. 闭上眼睛吧大骗子 Play that Old Song in the night, 我要放那首老歌儿 Right under the Spotlight. 在这大灯柱子底下! You really think you can appease him? 你真以为你能安抚他吗? His home is the projector screen. 别忘了,他住在幻灯机的屏幕里 He'll surely stop, 哦,他当然会停下来 No I'm just teasin'. (并不会,逗你玩呢) This table's been set just for me. 这个桌子就是给我准备的! Oh can't you see, 快来看看—— Spotlight-cito 晃晃悠悠的聚光灯 You got to run screamin' from the demon. 你尖叫着逃离恶魔 You got to run screamin' from the demon. 你一边跑一边嚎着 His home is the projector screen. 他住在屏幕里 He’s screaming 他在尖叫 I’m gonna die 啊……我要没了 Thirty years has come and gone. 一转眼三十年白驹过隙 Your time to shine has just begun. 到了你发光发热的时候了 You'll be dancing with the devil on the lower level. 你将会在地下与恶魔共舞 Think I'll be going, (突然升调)我要离开啦 Make these pipes stop flowing. 修好这些漏墨的管子 Time to die, I've gone awry. 到时间了,我开溜了啊 Say your last goodbye. 最后说句拜拜吧 Play that old song in the night! 别忘了晚上放那首老歌 THIS IS THE SPOTLIGHT! 在↓这→聚↑光↓灯↑下→