- Of Monsters And Men Crystals 歌词
- Of Monsters And Men
- Lost in skies of powdered gold
迷失在璀璨闪耀的星空 Caught in clouds of silver ropes 沉醉在银汉昭昭的云渺 Showered by the empty hopes 沐浴于空洞的希望 As I tumble down, falling fast to the ground 我分奔瓦解 如流星般坠落 I know I'll wither so peel away the bark 我知道我注定凋零 Because nothing grows when it is dark 只因无物可长于黑暗之中 In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear 当直面我所有的惶恐 我看破一切 I see it all so clear 尘埃落定 方得始终 Cover your crystal eyes 闭上你明亮的双眸 And feel the tones that tremble down your spine 去感知那遍历脊骨的颤抖 Cover your crystal eyes 闭上你明亮的双眸 And let your colours bleed and blend with mine 让我们合二为一 水乳交融 Making waves in pitch black sand 黑沙渺渺 徒起波浪 Feel the salt dance on my hands 双手颤栗 汗水渍渍 Raw and charcoal coloured thighs feel so cold 铅灰原色的万物本生冷无情 And my skin feels so paper-thin 我的肌理脆弱不堪 I know I'll wither so peel away the bark 我知道我注定凋零 Because nothing grows when it is dark 只因无物可长于黑暗之中 In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear 当直面我所有的惶恐 我看破一切 I see it all so clear 尘埃落定 方得始终 Cover your crystal eyes 闭上你明亮的双眸 And feel the tones that tremble down your spine 去感知那遍历脊骨的颤抖 Cover your crystal eyes 闭上你明亮的双眸 And let your colours bleed and blend with mine 让我们合二为一 水乳交融 But I'm okay in see-through skin 纵使透明无遮我也无惧 I forgive what is within 我会看做如释重负 Because I'm in this house 因为我就在这里 I'm in this home 就在这里 All my time 不曾离去 Cover your crystal eyes 闭上你明亮的双眸 And feel the tones that tremble down your spine 去感知那遍历脊骨的颤抖 Cover your crystal eyes 闭上你明亮的双眸 And let your colours bleed and blend with mine 让我们合二为一 水乳交融