- Easy Life petty crime 歌词
- Easy Life
- She must be into petty crime, 'cause she stole my heart
她一定是个完美的罪犯 因为她偷取了我的心 First we went shoplifting, now we’re reckless driving 彼时我们还在商店行窃 现在我们在街上飙车 We might both do time, sitting behind bars 形影不离 在酒吧一隅畅饮 But we can't help but be who we are 情不自禁 但只能安分守己 I thought that she was something good for me 我一度认为她是我的紫霞 And all my life, I just keep on running 但我终其一生 一直在迷茫 厮混 It seems I'm doomed to keep repeating history 看来我注定要重蹈覆辙 And all my life, I never saw her coming 终其一生也未见她的身影 So what am I, what am I to do? 所以我应该说什么? Petty crimes, breaking rules with you 完美的罪犯 和你一起打破陈规旧矩 And all these situations we do through 共风雨 共患难 We come out the other side brand new 从明天起 以崭新的态度充实生活 She must be into petty crime, ’cause she smashed my window 她一定是个完美的罪犯 因为她打碎我的窗户 Then she climbed inside, then she stole my iPhone 翻入我的房间 偷了我的苹果手机 Smoking contraband, we're done for possession 吸食违禁品 我们一无所有 But I don't understand, I never learned my lesson 但我始终不解 我从未吸取教训 I thought that she was good for me 我认为她是一剂药剂 治愈我 And all my life, I just keep on running 我终其一生 都在迷茫 厮混 It seems I'm doomed to keep repeating history 看来我注定要重蹈覆辙 And all my life, I never saw her coming 终其一生也未见她的到来 So what am I, what am I to do? 所以我应该做什么? Petty crimes, breaking rules with you 完美的罪犯 和你一起打破陈规旧矩 And all these situations we go through 共风雨 共患难 We come out the other side brand new 从明天起 以崭新的态度充实生活 So what am I, what am I to say? 所以我要说什么? Petty crimes become my day to day 天衣无缝的犯罪成为我的日常 And even when we're wrong in every way 我们一错再错 We come out the other side okay 浴火重生 好吗? I need some ultra violence, first thing, every single morning 每天早上 我首先需要一些极端暴力 So I don't feel insane, and try escape my brain, ooo 这样我才不会发疯 试着逃避我的大脑 Put the roof down, go riding round the block like we're balling 闹翻天 像打球过人一样绕着街区骑行 And in this self exploration, let's become everything I’m tryna be 在人生这场探险中 成为自己想做的人 I’m a superhero, everybody loves me 我想做超级英雄 人见人爱 Flying through the jet stream, nobody can touch me 划破天际 自由翱翔 没人能触碰我 But, just be careful, 'cause isn’t it funny? 但也要谨慎小心 这可不是开玩笑的 People treat you different when you come into some money 当你拥有财富后 人们阿谀奉承 丑态尽现 We live life like a visual trip 我们的生活就像一场虚拟全息影像 On repeat like a viral GIF 就像动态图 循环往复 On a lifelong loop until our tape deck skips 终其一生都在循环 直到死 What am I, what am i to do? 所以我应该怎么做? Petty crimes, breaking rules with you 完美的罪犯 和你一起打破陈规旧矩 And all these situations we go through 共风雨 共患难 We come out the other side brand new 从明天起 以崭新的态度充实生活 So what am I, what am I to say? 所以我要说什么? Petty crimes become my day to day 完美的犯罪成为我的日常 And even when we're wrong in every way 我们一错再错 We come out the other side okay 浴火重生 好吗?