- Little Simz Sherbet Sunset 歌词
- Little Simz
- La la la la la
啦啦啦 La la la la la 啦啦啦 La la 啦啦 La la la la la (that little GREY Area) 啦啦啦啦啦(灰色地带专辑名) La la la la la 啦啦 La la 啦啦
要聊那些我并不相信的东西是件很难的事情 Yo, Its hard to talk about something that I don’t believe in “爱”,你能告诉我我一直以来梦想着的到底有什么意义 L.o.v.e can you tell me whats the meaning I’ve been dreaming 你到底是怎么能做到这么虚伪的?我叹为观止 How the **** was you that deceitful I didn’t see it 我很难跟你们描述这个人,你们得亲眼见见他 Hard for me to paint the picture you’ll just have to meet him 我把我的一切都给了你 Gave my all to you 还想给你更多 Wanted to give more to you 你当初应该对自己更诚实一点,又没有人逼你 Shoulda been honest with yourself nobody was forcing you Chuck,我甚至不生你的气,我只是在怪我自己 I ain’t even mad at you Chuck I’m just mad at me 我应该好好学习我妈妈教我的技巧 Shoulda known better mummy taught me better strategy 现在我仍然感到心痛 Still it burns 我猜这是一种眷顾也是一种诅咒 Guess it s a blessing and a curse 生活继续,这只是我受到的又一个教训 Life goes on its another lesson learned 大脑已经清醒,你能够听到它正常的旋律 Mind switched on you can hear it in the verse right 但是你并不会知道它实际上有多么痛苦 But you will never know how much it really hurts 总是在想象着那些事情 如此清晰又生动 Image it so vivid so clear 啊我的爱 Oh my dear 你根本不知道我眼中的你 You have no idea who I know here 我毫不犹豫地会想要跟你一起快活 Think fast be on your A game 我竟然傻到会认为我们已经达成了什么共识 Silly for me to think we was on the same page 你完全没有了解现在的人们是什么样的 You really don’t know anybody these days 现在会有这么个女人,她为他而停留,这可真是个美丽的故事 She stays for he’s sake a sweet phase 困惑 Mind spinning 时间流逝 The clock ticking 我的灵魂出走 My soul missing 让我确信你就是那个特别的人 Did well to convince me that you’re so different 你给别人一英尺时,他们会想要得到一英里 Give someone an inch and they will take a mile 可能会需要点时间, It might take a while 但现在我仍然认清了你就是那样做的,用那种最虚伪的方式 Now I see you’ve approached this in the fakest style 这一定是个大灾难,我觉得世界都到了末日 This must be the apocalypse feels like the worlds ending 我是谁。我整个都一团糟,更加罪恶更加毫无保留 Who am I I’m a mess more sinning more spending 消沉的一天又一天,想要熬过安息日 More down days tryna make it through the seventh 不敢相信我几乎放弃了我的独立 Can’t believe I almost got rid of my independence 这种烂人会让你再好好审视自己,重新决定 Type of ****** will have you look at yourself and start second guessing 虽然现在的我很糟糕,如果你来检验我的话 Now I’m on crud like **** will get messy if you ever get to testing 但是我知道我有着敏感的内心,我必须要强调这一点 But really I’m a sensitive soul and I’ll stress it 如果有人利用了我这一点会怎么样呢 What happens when someone takes advantage of that? 我丢失了我的一部分,再也找回不来了 Lost part of myself and I can’t get em back 啊我的爱
我一直在等你回来 Oh my love 啊我的爱 Ive been, waiting for you to run back home ohhh 我一直都在关注着你是不是已经离开找到新的爱人 Oh my love 你为什么会为这样的人沉迷啊Simz,你没那么笨的 Ive been investigating, if you went and found new love ohhh 但问题是当你身处其中时,你就看不到真相
我不能冷静,我心跳加速, How the **** you get twanged Simz you’re smarter than that 当我听到那消息的时候,我不想面对它 But you don’t see it when you’re in it thats the hardest of facts 如果我们会再次谈起它的话,那就是在Last Name Basis上吧(英国节目) I can’t relax my heart racing 我知道该如何面对你 Member when I heard the news I just couldn’t face it 我只是想要理解,我并不想恨你 If we ever talk again its on a last name basis 我猜你有自己必须要做的事 I know where to place you 但是你要知道没人会责怪你 Im just tryna understand it I don’t wanna hate you 为什么我说的所有这些,关键词都只是你 Guess you had to do what you had to do 我现在想知道我为我自己做了些什么 But just know nobody rates you 我甚至都没有考虑我自己 Key word in all of this, is you 我的感情都浪费了啊 I wonder what I did for me 我的能量,我的感同身受。 I hardly remember me 我想知道你打算什么时候告诉我她怀孕的事 What a waste of chemistry 你对我完全没有任何的.. Energy and empathy 诚实、感情和尊重 Wonder when you planned to let me know about her pregnancy 很明显我们并不是什么命中注定 You have no integrity 就只是暂时的。 Emotion or respect for me 我从没看得如此清楚,它必定要走到尽头 Clearly wasn’t meant to be 但是它仍然难以想象地痛 This was temporary 痛到承受不了 This the clearest i’ve seen it was bound to end eventually 啊我的爱啊 Still it hurt tremendously 我一直都在等着你回家 Cant bare the intensity 啊我的爱啊
我一直都在关注着你是否已经离开找到你新的爱 Oh my love 我之前一直没有谈论过这个处境,但是现在我要说出来 Ive been, waiting for you to run back home ohhh 没什么能够持续到永远,我只是假装着我不知道这个事实 Oh my love 我不会为了po照片而跟谁在一起, Ive been investigating, if you went and found new love ohhh 在Instagram上伪装出完美的生活,真实的却相反
最近我很消沉 I kept quiet bout the situation but now im saying my peace though 我不跟任何人聊起这些 Nothing last forever theres me acting like I didn’t know 甚至都不能不写下这些 I can’t do relationships for instagram 它完全阻塞了我的创作 Posing like my life it perfect really its the opposite 让我遭受到无前的打击 Lately I’ve been down a lot 但我仍然在录歌 I talk to no one about it 也没有违法 Can’t eve write about it 抽烟也只是为了放空自己 Damn thats writers block 不去想那些我该留心的事情 Hitting me like never before 不去想那些我一直忍受的又最终成功撑过去的事情 Still I recall 在我签下之前,确信自己弄懂了那张纸上的东西 Billin in raws 你注定要在我的格莱美演讲中出现 Smoking just to take my mind all off 这完全是你的巨大损失 Everything that I should’ve been mindful of 我会按照事实来讲 Everything that I’ve endured in life I’m a survivor of 真相会被解开 Making sure to understand the small print for’ I sign it off 请不要听了这首歌后还问我我是不是仍在难过, You was meant to be in my grammy speech 也别问我我还好吗。就把我当做一个人类,让我在自己的感受中吧。 Your entire loss 放轻松 I’ll just keep it real 我很好 我解决它了 Truth won’t be concealed 我不会失败 Please don’t listen to this and ask me if i’m hurting 或者这只是我告诉自己的谎言,好逃过这个话题 Or if I’m ok allow me to be human and be in my feels 啊我的爱啊 Chill 我一直都在等你跑着回来 Im good I got it 啊我的爱啊 I never lost it 我一直都在调查着,你是不是已经离开找到了新的爱 Or am I just lying to myself to skip the topic 啊我的爱啊
我一直都在等你跑着回家 Oh my love 啊我的爱啊 Ive been, waiting for you to run back home ohhh 我一直都在密切关注着你是不是离开找到了新的爱 Oh my love 你的心,痛哭 Ive been investing, if you went and found new love ohhh 在夜晚,四下无人 Oh my love 你的心,在夜晚 Ive been, waiting for you to run back home ohhh 独自,痛哭 Oh my love Ive been investing, if you went and found new love ohhh
Your heart, cries At night, alone Your heart, cries At night, alone