- $ixxxxxX CHAMPION SXXX 歌词
- 粗米TruMe X $ixxxxxX
No normal body like no mumble tack everybody copycat just like that follow my ID depressed to dye and surrounded the candys that is fact I'm so friendly and not what you think that sometimes usually giving that actin' like rappers a big laugh(grrrrrrr) handle the beat so very easy Not only like this give them colour to see beach Put on this yeezy get to crazy body freeze dizzy so amazing KEY.O and $iXxXxXx handsomekind Be cautious dont told a lie Funking the others and take the auto pretty M4A1(dadadadada) Sorrow flows against the river Killing the beach throw jospaper Crossing the corpses Im winner but not content with the status quo Goddamn I do not criticize NewBee told them no can no bb All for the double N city homies said just like killerJ hey participate in minitype program not in my date bape aape dying to said today is my birthday dont gave a cake? Under the sunset shone on my shadow and All guys they say ay no mercy lago X2
We are the funking champion shift
KEY to the O is champion bleed 说唱大王你真的没戏 Funk out my way like金龟婿 老丈人开尼桑好多cash with my bro 住在洛杉矶 烦 为什么老要加我微信 来自街上孩子gang 带的鸭舌帽不停变 找个大牌带着我出圈 合作段verse后got some fans 流量流量流量 把我送上娱乐圈的焦点 I got 威望威望威望 导演找我拍戏舔着脸 老笨蛋 拍戏没钱给我 浪费我时间好多好多 欠了钱还跟我啰嗦 一拳打爆你才知道错 让你收皮 爬都爬不起来一摊烂泥 我才能主宰这个游戏 来自Double NC出面刷了泥 卸了你的骨头扒你的皮 我和我兄弟清理拉萨 吃完了披萨打个游戏 只有你们团队在干着急 头头被干掉了好焦虑 老板被和谐了好伤心 唯一的大将没战力 失去了才懂得好珍惜