- Robokid Apps 歌词
- Isaac Sakima Robokid
- Yeah
Yeah If I'm the only ****** on your map 如果我是你狩猎的唯一猎物 You gotta delete all those other apps 你可得卸载没有我存在的软件 If I'm the only ****** on your maps 既然我已经是你的 You gotta delete all those other apps 你那狩猎的欲望便无需他人满足 Umm Umm No shots, just snaps 与其帧帧摄影 不如快照一张 No bait, just traps 没有什么醉人的诱饵 有的只是专属陷阱 No boys, just lads 可还没别的男伴 只有我的拉布拉多们 No ***, just chats 不急于和你一时缠绵 我想和你娓娓而谈 No Grindr, just axe 删除勾搭软件 翻阅男士美学 No fruit, just snacks 水果我没 但零食满眼 No front, just backs 不挑前排 只想和你私密后座 No coke, just jack 可乐无味 香烟缭嘴 No card, just cash 你我纵乐 无卡即现 No songs, just chants 没有余音绕梁 也为你低吟浅唱 No future, just past 未来太缥缈 庆幸我们已经有了过去 No body, just ass 身体缓搁 钟情你后腰以下 No truth, just acts 理性从脑海消散 沉沦于你对我所有作为 No Bebas, just sans 不顾端庄形象 轻佻也不失为一种情调 No looking, just hands 双眼轻阖 把你的手交给我 No looking, just hands 探索身体触感 No looking, just hands 不让偷瞥 只许手指感受 If I'm the only ****** on your map 如果我是你标识的唯一猎物 Then why you still usin' these other apps 那么我好奇你仍然还在使用那些工具的理由 If I'm the only ****** on your map 弱水三千 Then why you still usin' these other apps 只取一瓢 If I'm the only ****** on your map 我已被你驯服占有 You gotta delete all those other apps 你只能收心归我独有 If you want it, come and take it 胸到腹的欲望 过来由我填满 Only feel the imitation 却仅仅感受彼此相互模仿 What you think this ******' place is? 你觉得我们的当下还算什么 When the world is dripped in fakeness 当我们世界满浸虚假 Huh-uh? Runnin' round glued to your phone 你四处游玩痴醉手机 Cause you're trying to get your ****** sucked (huh) 只为你的下半身思考 You don't even look like that no more 你甚至可以看起来不像有那种想法 ******, ****** off 显得你蠢货十足 离我远点 If I'm the only ****** on your map 如果我是唯一 Then why you still usin' these other apps 你就不会再使用那些软件 If I'm the only ****** on your map 我不曾是你的唯一 Then why you still usin' these other apps 所以你始终没有放弃你狩猎的工具 If I'm the only ****** on your map 说服我你一直属我独有 You gotta delete all those other apps 那么你必须删去所有勾搭软件 If you wanna join in my team 假如你想与我同伍 Then there's a couple of things 那么有几件事情你需要知道 I like the boys overseas 我无法抗拒海外男伴 I like the boys in my home cities 我倾情欣赏同城男士 If you're full but your thirsty 当你的欲望无处宣泄 Then put me on your lock screen 那么把我设置成你的唯一屏保 Buy me peach daiquiri 为我买得蜜桃得其利 And send me pics of your D 给我私发你的腹下 Just cause you've won the right 仅仅因为我们取得了部分生存权利 Don't mean you've won the fight 并不意味已经摆脱世俗约束 People don't wanna go out and vote 人们厌倦外出表决 Cause people are tired 是因为结果时常让人沮丧 Laser print on the ballot 选票上的振振有词 Disengaging is valid 脱离亦是生效 If you wanna dip on politics 如果你想干预政策 Don't mean it don't matter 也并非毫无作用 Sign of the times 时代的征兆 It's a sign of the times 这便是我们时代的特征 Disillusion is fine 我们幻想破灭 Disillusion is fine 我们矢志不渝 It's a sign of the times 这时代便是如此