- Sharon Robinson Alexandra Leaving 歌词
- Sharon Robinson
- Suddenly the night has grown colder
突然,夜更冷了 The god of love preparing to depart 爱神已经准备好启程了 Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder Alexandra(女名,义为男子的保护者)趴在他的肩头 They slip between the sentries of the heart 他们越过了心的岗哨 Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure 伴随着纯粹的愉悦 They gain the light, they formlessly entwine 他们获得了光,他们无形的纠缠在一起 And radiant beyond your widest measure 你目之所及,都是他们的照人光彩 They fall among the voices and the wine. 在歌声和美酒中,他们坠入爱河 It’s not a trick, your senses all deceiving, 这不是一场骗局,你的感官在说谎 A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust 一场梦断断续续,但黎明会将它终结 Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving 和离你而去的Alexandra告别吧 Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost 和你失去的Alexandra告别 Even though she sleeps upon your satin 纵使她还睡在你的绸子上 Even though she wakes you with a kiss 纵使她还用一个亲吻唤醒你 Do not say the moment was imagined 别说这告别的时刻是一场梦 Do not stoop to strategies like this 不要臣服于这种自我安慰的技俩 As someone long prepared for this to happen 要像早就有所准备一样 Go firmly to the window. Drink it in 不动声色的走到窗前,杯中的酒一饮而尽 Exquisite music. Alexandra laughing 精妙的音乐,Alexandra的笑声 Your firm commitments tangible again. 你坚定的诺言又一次触手可及 And you who had the honor of her evening 你已有幸拥有过她的夜晚 And by the honor had your own restored 你自己也因而获得了重生 Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving 现在,和离开的Alexandra告别吧 Alexandra leaving with her lord Alexandra找到了她的神 Even though she sleeps upon your satin 纵使她谁还睡在你的绸子上 Even though she wakes you with a kiss 纵使她还用一个亲吻将你唤醒 Do not say the moment was imagined 别说这告别的时刻是一场梦 Do not stoop to strategies like this 不要臣服于这种自我安慰的技俩 As someone long prepared for the occasion 每一次意料之外都要假装运筹帷幄 In full command of every plan you wrecked 就像早就在预料到这一刻 Do not choose a coward’s explanation 不要像一个懦夫 that hides behind the cause and the effect. 在因果之间躲躲闪闪为自己开脱 And you who were bewildered by a meaning 你容易被价值所困惑 Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed 你肆意妄为,亵渎信仰 Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving 和离去的Alexandra告别吧 Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost 和你失去的Alexandra Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving 和离去的Alexandra告别吧 Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost 和你失去的Alexandra