- Lana Del Rey Art Deco 歌词
- Lana Del Rey
你是身处繁华市景中的夜场女王 Club queen on the downtown scene 于午夜时分四处游荡 Prowling around at night 你其实并非看起来那么刻薄无情 You're not mean 你只是生来就是被玩弄和欣赏的 You're just born to be seen 生来就如此放荡不羁 Born to be wild 就只是小小的狂欢一下又不会有所损失 A little party never hurt no one 这就是为何一切都看起来波澜不惊 That's why it's alright 你妄想融入这片繁华之地 但你却未能得宠 You want in but you just can't win 所以你只能矗立在聚光灯下 So you hang in the lights 你是如此的像那优雅高贵的艺术装饰 You're so art deco 于舞池之上 Out on the floor 如同银质手枪般熠熠生辉 Shining like gun metal 寒意袭人 眼神却缥缈迷离 Cold and unsure 亲爱的 你是如此一贫如洗 Baby you're so ghetto 所以你不惜与群芳争艳 You're looking to score 当他们向你招手示意的时候 When they all say hello 你冷酷无情 试图无视他们 You try to ignore them 因为你清楚你自己欲壑难填 Cause you want more why 为何要如此规求无度 You want more why 为何要如此贪得无厌 You want more why 因为你鹯视狼顾 窥财慕势 Cause you want more 你是身处繁华市景中的年轻女郎 Young thing on the downtown scene 于午夜时分旋转起舞 Rolling around at night 你其实还有许多魅力未能被发掘 Got things that've yet to be seen 如同你自称热爱说唱一般 Like you're rapper's delight 小小的狂欢一下又不会伤害到谁 A little party never hurt no one 这就是为何一切都看起来波澜不惊 That's why it's alright 你妄想融入这片灯红酒绿 You want in 但你却难以鹤立鸡群 But you just can't win 所以你在聚光灯下久久矗立 So you stay in the lights 你是如此的像那优雅高贵的艺术装饰 You're so art deco 于舞池之上 Out on the floor 如同银质手枪般熠熠生辉 Shining like gun metal 寒意袭人 眼神却缥缈迷离 Cold and unsure 亲爱的 你是如此不名一文 Baby you're so ghetto 所以你一直想着能够卓绝群伦 You're looking to score 当他们向你招手示意的时候 When they all say hello 你冷酷无情 试图无视他们 You try to ignore them 这是因为你清楚自己欲壑难填 Cause you want more why 为何要如此规求无度 You want more why 为何要如此贪得无厌 You want more why 因为你鹯视狼顾 窥财慕势 Cause you want more 就只是小小的狂欢一下又不会伤害到谁 A little party never hurt no one 所以我们整夜沉沦于纸醉金迷 So we stay out late 就只是小小的狂欢一下又不会伤害到谁 不是么 A little party never hurt no one 这就是你那群狐朋狗友的“经典名言” That's what your friends say 你为了这一切不惜毁掉自己的生活 You put your life out on the line 你一直都是这样疯疯癫癫 You're crazy all the time 你为了这一切不惜赌上自己的性命 Put your life out on the line 你一直都是这样随心所欲 You're crazy all the time 瞧 你是那么像那优雅高贵的艺术装饰 You're so art deco 于舞池之上 Out on the floor 如同银质手枪般熠熠生辉 Shining like gun metal 寒意袭人 眼神缥缈迷离 Cold and unsure 亲爱的 你都已经金钗换酒 Baby you're so ghetto 你是如此固执着要独占鳌头 You're looking to score 当他们向你招手示意的时候 When they all say hello 你冷酷无情 试图无视他们 You try to ignore them 这是因为你清楚自己欲壑难填 Cause you want more why 为何要如此规求无度 You want more why 为何要如此贪得无厌 You want more why 因为你鹯视狼顾 窥财慕势 Cause you want more 就只是小小的狂欢一下又能伤害到谁呢? A little party never hurt no one 反正不会是你和我 Not you and me 就只是小小的浪荡一下又无伤大雅 A little party never hurt no one 毕竟我们生来就如此自由 We were born to be free