- Big$quid DON'T TRIP 歌词
- 施鑫文月 Big$quid
- 编曲: $HI
作词: $HI / Big$quid 演唱: $HI / Big$quid Mix & Master: Liam Fitz $HI: Aye squidy “诶 鱿鱼” look look “快看” This chick is jiggy as hell man damn she’s on fire “快看那个女的好妖艳儿 真的是抓眼睛” Big$quid: 我妈 全是假货的嘛 椰子高头写的Superme 妈现在都是都懂得起 买不起 哎真的是 Big$quid: 他们觉得老子疯 老子偏不反驳 就要疯给你看 搞首说唱听三 写点儿四川话和老子的英语flow都不变 用歌词把你批判 让你寻了短见 直到多年后我才领悟你们的片面 把嘲讽让我莫法平复的话语看遍 思想上的贫苦无法前进停步 经常装的辛苦下是糜烂早看透你们的善变 Now screw this attitude “你们的看法都滚蛋吧” Tired of proving to people who ain’t believe me “厌倦了向人们证明自己 他们根本就没信过我” Who am I do this sheet for I gradually see through it “我渐渐明白我是为了谁做这些” Seems like once I did this wrong “看来以前我所走过的” I’ll bare the sheet all along “将会伴随我一生” Buried down underground “深埋于地下” Tripping and fall “也会摔倒趔趄” Like a fish in the swamp “像是一只在沼泽里的鱼” Yo $HI gotta get this done “哟 $HI来终结这个游戏” Show em how a player play “告诉他们真正的大佬的手段” Kill this game and there goes another round “搞定这一局 然后再来一局” $HI: Dripping blood on diamond watch “挥霍人民币在钻石手表上” Dem chgs greedy they wanna jump to the top “那些人们都想一步登天” Take it slow don’t make it pop “不要急 千万不要想着一夜成名” Cuz all the trend rappers they ain’t got no hops “所有的跟风饶舌都留不下来” Dripping blood on FENDI flops “挥霍钱在那些名牌拖鞋上” 这些老几买来了都非鸡儿假 那些都跑到你身后来骂你哈 他的脑壳起了包卡到 半夜 跳 qia qia Yeah tripping young chgs tripping “作 他们都作 有些年轻人装疯米乔” They looking at other folks dem living in the heaven “看到别人天堂般的生活” They wanna be one of those jokes “他们想成为那帮人” Driving Lamborghini down to Beverley hills “开兰博基尼冲下比弗利” That’s what J. Cole said before “J.COLE 说过的” You gotta love yourself that’s the only antidote “你必须要爱你自己这是对你困境的唯一解药” Though I was born broke “就算我生下来不富裕” I still loved everything I chose “我还是爱我做的所有选择” Love your skin love your mama love the hate and the foes “爱你的皮肤 爱你的妈 爱你的仇人和他们对你的恨” Tripping Young chiiiguys tripping so hard “作 现在我们年轻人都太作了” Orgie porgy Bernard chanting “都像 Brave New World Bernard 一样叫的口号” Happiness is the way to start “随时开心才变成我们的初衷” Overdosing on soma drowning in vodka “开始疯狂地和用Soma 猛灌伏特加” This ain’t the only strategy to solve your problem “这不是解决所有问题的方法” 我这样说大家都没得人听 听了扬鞭风了还抽筋 别个夜店喝起 酒吧坐起 我果汁suo起 包包 空起 兄弟说走 走就走 只要不走歪了 哪儿都是仇. 清不完的仇 赶不完的狗 碰不完的酒 狐朋狗友哪儿都有 妈朋友圈头 搜 耶 开奔驰 妈老汉儿 m钥匙 7000美金一个月花 Aye 又花完了妈给你加
唱不明的歌哟 自己走 好自己的路哦 鞋上油 翻个跟头 GUI儿 那个娃儿保住自己 命哟 You’d better be grateful for what you get “你必须要感恩你现在的所有” You might be broke as hell when you clear off your debts “因为你可能把你的债换完了你就穷的响叮当了” Now you wasting money on designers and stupid stuff “你现在花钱买名牌和杂七杂八的东西” Later for what stuff you spent on you might regret *giggle* “过了几年你看到那些东西你会后悔的” Big$quid: Dripping blood on diamond watch “挥霍人民币在钻石手表上” Dem chiiiguys greedy they wanna jump to the top “那些人们都想一步登天” Take it slow don’t make it pop “不要急 千万不要想着一夜成名” Cuz all the trend rappers they ain’t got no hops “所有的跟风饶舌都跳不起来” Yo $HI you got it “该你了” $HI: Dripping blood on diamond watch “挥霍人民币在钻石手表上” Dem chgs greedy they wanna jump to the top “那些人们都想一步登天” Take it slow don’t make it pop “不要急 千万不要想着一夜成名” Cuz all the trend rappers they ain’t got no hops “所有的跟风饶舌都留不下来” Dripping blood on FENDI flops “挥霍钱在那些名牌拖鞋上” 这些老几买来了都非常假 那些都跑到你身后来骂你哈 他的脑壳起了包卡到 半夜 跳 Qia Qia