- Eric Woolfson The Bells 歌词
- Eric Woolfson
- Hear the sledges with the bells—
你听那雪橇的银铃—— Silver bells! 那银色的小钟! What a world of merriment their melody foretells! 它们悦耳的铃声预言了一个多快活的世界! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, 它们是如何丁丁锳锳 In the icy air of night! 在深夜冰凉的空气中! While the stars that oversprinkle 点缀于天幕的星星 All the heavens, seem to twinkle 都快活地眨动眼睛 With a crystalline delight; 眨动水晶般的眼睛 Keeping time, time, time, 铃儿丁丁锳锳地合着拍子 In a sort of Runic rhyme, 合着北方的神秘旋律 To the tintinabulation that so musically wells 合着那悠扬快活的丁丁锳锳 From the bells, bells, bells, bells, 铃声流出那快活的银铃 Bells, bells, bells— 丁锳,丁锳,丁锳—— From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells. 铃声流出那丁丁锳锳、锳锳丁丁的银铃! Hear the mellow wedding bells, 你听那柔和的婚礼钟声—— Golden bells! 听那金钟! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells! 它们和谐的钟声在预言一个多么幸福的世界! Through the balmy air of night 划破芬芳馥郁的夜空 How they ring out their delight! 它们如何奏鸣出喜乐融融! From the molten-golden notes, 从那悠扬的金钟 And all in tune, 和谐的曲调 What a liquid ditty floats 一支多么清丽的曲调 To the turtle-dove that listens, while she gloats 飘向那爱慕地凝视着月亮的斑鸠, On the moon! 她在聆听! Oh, from out the sounding cells, 哦,从那些钟楼 What a gush of euphony voluminously wells! 荡漾出那么多如此美妙动听的钟声! How it swells! 如此抑扬噌吰 How it dwells 如此悠扬铮鏦 On the Future! how it tells 飘向未来!——如此奏颂 Of the rapture that impels 那欣欣愉愉陶陶融融 To the swinging and the ringing 是那欢天喜地鸣响的钟声 Of the bells, bells, bells, 金钟铮鏦 Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, 金钟噌吰 Bells, bells, bells— 丁东,丁东,丁东—— To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells! 鸣响这悠扬起伏贯珠扣玉的金钟! Hear the loud alarum bells— 你听那刺耳的警钟—— Brazen bells! 听那铜钟! What tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells! 它们喧嚷的钟声在讲述一种什么样的惊恐! In the startled ear of night 在夜晚惊惶的耳里 How they scream out their affright! 它们声音那么凄厉! Too much horrified to speak, 吓得不成声调 They can only shriek, shriek, 它们只能悲鸣尖叫 Out of tune, 不成曲调 In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire, 吵吵嚷嚷啷啷当当向烈火乞哀告怜 In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire, 疯疯癫癫当当啷啷劝又聋又狂的火焰 Leaping higher, higher, higher, 火越窜越高,越窜越高 With a desperate desire, 以一种孤注一掷的心愿 And a resolute endeavor 以一种不屈不挠的努力 Now—now to sit or never, 现在——现在不然就休想 By the side of the pale-faced moon. 窜到那苍白的月亮旁边 Oh, the bells, bells, bells! 哦,那警钟,警钟,警钟! What a tale their terror tells 在讲述一种什么样的惊恐 Of Despair! 和绝望! How they clang, and clash, and roar! 它们是怎样当啷当啷当啷! What a horror they outpour 它们把一种什么样的惊惶 On the bosom of the palpitating air! 倾泻进瑟瑟发抖的空气胸间! Yet the ear it fully knows, 可那耳朵,它一清二楚 By the twanging, 凭那钟声铿锵 And the clanging, 凭那叮铃当啷 How the danger ebbs and flows; 那危险是如何潮起潮伏 Yet the ear distinctly tells, 是的,那耳朵一听就懂 In the jangling, 凭那啷啷当当 And the wrangling. 凭那当当啷啷 How the danger sinks and swells, 那危险是如何潮起潮涌 By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells— 凭着那愤怒钟声的起起伏伏低低涌涌—— Of the bells— 那钟声—— Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, 那长鸣的警钟,当啷,当啷,当啷 Bells, bells, bells— 当啷,当啷,当啷—— In the clamor and the clangor of the bells! 那吵吵嚷嚷当当啷啷的铜钟! Hear the tolling of the bells— 你听那悠悠丧钟—— Iron bells! 听那铁钟! What a world of solemn thought their monody compels! 一个多么肃穆的世界从那哀婉的钟声中流出! In the silence of the night, 在万籁俱寂的深夜 How we shiver with affright 我们如何不寒而栗 At the melancholy menace of their tone! 当听到那悲伤忧郁的钟声! For every sound that floats 因为那声声鸣奏 From the rust within their throats 发自生锈的咽喉 Is a groan. 声声呻吟 And the people—ah, the people— 而那些——哦,那些人—— They that dwell up in the steeple, 那些住在尖塔上的人 All alone, 孤孤单单 And who tolling, tolling, tolling, 他们敲响,敲响,敲响了那丧钟 In that muffled monotone, 在沉闷单调的钟声里 Feel a glory in so rolling 才感受到光荣 On the human heart a stone— 一块巨石压在人们心头—— They are neither man nor woman— 他们既不是男人也不是女人—— They are neither brute nor human— 他们既不是人类也不是野兽—— They are Ghouls: 他们是食尸鬼 And their king it is who tolls; 正是他们的君王把丧钟鸣奏—— And he rolls, rolls, rolls, 他鸣奏,鸣奏,鸣奏 Rolls 鸣奏 A pæan from the bells! 从钟里 And his merry bosom swells 奏出一曲赞歌! With the pæan of the bells! 他的胸膛快活地起伏 And he dances, and he yells; 在那丧钟的赞歌之中! Keeping time, time, time, 他起舞,他高喊 In a sort of Runic rhyme, 合着丧钟幽幽咽咽的曲调 To the pæan of the bells— 合着一种神秘的北方曲调 Of the bells: 合着那一曲赞歌—— Keeping time, time, time, 发自丧钟 In a sort of Runic rhyme, 合着丧钟幽幽咽咽的曲调 To the throbbing of the bells— 合着一种神秘的北方曲调 Of the bells, bells, bells— 合着那丧钟,丧钟,丧钟的震动—— To the sobbing of the bells; 那丧钟的抽噎 Keeping time, time, time, 合着幽幽咽咽的节奏 As he knells, knells, knells, 当他鸣奏,鸣奏,鸣奏 In a happy Runic rhyme, 以快活的北方节奏 To the rolling of the bells— 合着钟声的荡荡悠悠—— Of the bells, bells, bells— 丧钟,丧钟,丧钟—— To the tolling of the bells, 合着钟声的荡荡悠悠—— Of the bells, bells, bells, bells— 钟声悠悠荡荡 Bells, bells, bells— 荡荡悠悠—— Of the bells, bells, bells, bells— 那丧钟,丧钟,丧钟,丧钟—— Bells, bells, bells— 悠悠荡荡荡荡悠悠的丧钟—— To the moaning and the groaning of the bells. 那钟声的呻吟 Bells, bells, bells— 那钟声,钟声,钟声—— Bells, bells— 钟声,钟声—— Of the bells! 那钟声!