- David Guetta Titanium 歌词
- Sia David Guetta
- Titanium-David Guetta&Sia
You shout it loud 你声嘶力竭 But i can’t hear a word you say 但我置若罔闻 I’m talking loud not saying much 我声如洪钟,却沉默寡言 I’m criticized but all your bullets ricochet 我虽受批评,但你的胡言乱语更加羞耻 You shoot me down, but i get up 你击垮我,但我卷土重来 I’m bulletproof nothing to lose 我全副武装,无所畏惧 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,火力全开 Ricochet, you take your aim 含污忍垢,接受涤荡 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,向我开火 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我屹立不倒 I am titanium 我拥有金刚之躯 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我坚如磐石 I am titanium 我拥有金刚之躯 Cut me down 不断地削弱我 But it's you who'll have further to fall 但你是那个让自己堕落的人 Ghost town, haunted love 鬼城咒爱 Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones 振聋发聩,就算树枝和石头摧毁我的骨头 I’m talking loud not saying much 我声彻云霄,却一语不发 I’m bulletproof nothing to lose 我全副武装,无所畏惧 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,向我开火 Ricochet, you take your aim 含瑕积垢,接受洗礼 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,向我开火 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我屹立不倒 I am titanium 我便是金刚之躯 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我坚如磐石 I am titanium 我便是金刚之躯 I am titanium 金刚之躯 Stone-hard, machine gun 无坚不摧的枪械 Firing at the ones who run 向溃敌糜军开火 Stone-hard, as bulletproof glass 坚如磐石,刀枪不入 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我生生不息 I am titanium 我拥有金刚之躯 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我坚韧不拔 I am titanium 我便是金刚之躯 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我百折不挠 I am titanium 我拥有金刚之躯 You shoot me down but i won’t fall 你击落我,但我桀骜不驯 I am titanium 我便是金刚之躯