- Lily Allen Come On Then 歌词
- Lily Allen
- I try to keep an open mind
试着思想开放些 I feel like I'm under attack all of the time 但感觉自己就像时时在攻击之下 I'm compromised 只好作罢 妥协 My head can't always hold itself so high 一直高视阔步着也是挺累的 What if inside I'm dying? 如果我变成行尸走肉将会怎样 Every night I'm crying 哭泣声始终贯穿每个夜晚 And even if I died trying 而即便放弃抗争 I bet you'd probably quite like it 我猜你可能恨不得大笑鼓掌 Yeah, I'm a bad mother, I'm a bad wife 是的 我既不是贤妻 也不是良母 You saw it on the socials, you read it online 你大可轻信在网络和各种社交软件上传播的消息 If you go on record saying that you know me 如果你继续发表着你了解我之类的话 Then why am I so lonely? 那我为什么如此孤独? 'Cause nobody ******* phones me 因为根本没有人会他妈给我打个电话 You say you see how I move 你说你看到了我的所作所为 Tell me then, then, tell me then, then 那就说说看 说说看 Don't act like you've been here too 别表现得就像你什么都知道一样 Think again-gain, think again-gain 好好想想吧 好好想想吧 I think you are being rude 我觉得你真的十分低级 Come on then, then, come on then, then 那就来吧 继续吧 继续散播虚假信息吧 Come on then, come on then 继续在推特上夸夸其谈 Come on then 指手画脚地批评一些我根本就没有的错误吧 Come on then, then, come on then, then 继续吧 摆出你们那副令人厌恶的嘴脸 Come on then, then, come on then, then 在键盘上敲出各种花式脏话 Since you know so much about me 既然你这么了解我 Put your money where your mouth is 就拿出你的证据来啊 You should really hush your mouth 你真应该闭上你的烂嘴 And keep your distance if you see me when you're out 然后出门遇见我的话躲得远一点 Won't forgive you twice 不爆你的狗头我就不叫Lily Allen I'll tell you all about your miserable life 我会让你认清生活会是如此的悲惨 Don't see me telling you what to do 别指望我告诉你该怎么做 Why do you scrutinise my every move? 为什么你总是对我的任何一个动作都要细细审查? And what exactly are you trying to prove? 而你到底想证明什么 When what you say's so far away from the truth 你开口说的这些话跟事实真的差了十万八千里 Yeah, I'm a bad mother, I'm a bad wife 是的 我既不是贤妻 也不是良母 You saw it on the socials, you read it online 而你却奉小报新闻的谣言为真理 If you go on record saying that you know me 如果你单凭着这些就继续自以为你了解我 Then why am I so lonely? 那么我为何如此寂寞? 'Cause nobody ******' phones me 因为我的通话记录依旧为零 Yeah, I'm a bad mother, I'm a bad wife 是的 我不能胜任母亲和妻子这些位置 You saw it on the socials, you read it online 而你仅仅是从小报板块了解到这些的 If you go on record saying that you know me 如果你继续在推特对我评头论足 Then why am I so lonely? 那为什么就没人来关心下我本身呢? 'Cause nobody ******' phones me 因为根本没有人会播通电话来了解下真实的我 You say you see how I move 你认为眼见为实 Tell me then, then, tell me then, then 就请你把看到所谓的事实摆出来吹嘘一顿 Don't act like you've been here too 别表现得就像你很懂我一样 Think again-gain, think again-gain 想想清楚了再来张开你那金贵的嘴 I think you are being rude 素质低下可见一斑 Come on then, then, come on then, then 那就来吧 继续吧 Come on then, come on then 老娘花了大把时间在虚拟网络上 Come on then 对付那些铺天盖地的垃圾新闻 Come on then, then, come on then, then 没本事就别在电脑的那端瞎逼逼 Come on then, then, come on then, then 谩骂侮辱谣言使我更加好斗 Since you know so much about me 既然你们这么了解我 Put your money where your mouth is 那就拿出证据证明一下啊