- World's Lost (Intro) 歌词 Remond (AKA modern.tempo)
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- Remond (AKA modern.tempo) World's Lost (Intro) 歌词
- Remond (AKA modern.tempo)
- 编曲 : Gum$
Prod. by Gum$ Mix by Goatbaby 这个世界迷失了 The world is lost 发着社交媒体只为融入社交群体 Post it to the cloud just to make it to the crowd The world is lost 人们装着emo的样子 敲着键盘传着恶 People faking emo but still typing evil World is lost 扔掉他们的信念却还信着护身符 Ditching their faith while bringing their lucky charms 推销的天天电话骚扰 假意关心 Salespeople harassing us with deceitful warmth 我们不再友善 互相设着心防 No longer open arms we start to get armed The world is lost 都在赞美那些令人误入歧途的领路人 Praising those shepherds who bring those sheep to slaughter 榜单前面都是些买买买买名牌 Hits on the chart’s all about what shit he bought her 广告里的父亲贷款给女儿庆生 Advertising loans to hold a party for your daughter 女孩们为爱豆烧着钱 Girls spend hunnids on a boy that won’t fck with them 盲目的冲动充斥在周围 Flooding this society with blind enthusiasm 没有思想的躯体重复着资本的劝导 Bots built with cells repeating what capital sells 真相被扭曲 而没人看得出来 The truth distorted, and nobody can tell The world is lost 打工人都是人上人 Working class people treated like they use to be World is lost 他们说加班是个福报 你应该觉得感激 They say overtime’s a gift you should happily receive World is lost 曾经的弱势群体飞扬跋扈了起来 The repressed has turned into the ones to repress World is lost 语言暴力让人们不再敢于表达 Insults like knives cut the tongue to express The world is lost 贩卖焦虑来盈利 Spreading panic to profit on being manic 某些所谓教育者 实际上都是PUA So-called educators, mental manipulators 割的都是韭菜 耽误了各行各业的领军人物 Cultivating servants instead of world makers 人们总是在表达却从不去倾听 People talk a lot but would rather not to listen 对异于自己的声音总是不能接受 Low tolerance to others who’s acting different 他没钱的时候说他是怪胎 If he ain’t got dough he’s a freak he’s a weirdo 有钱的时候说是“天才病” When the freak earns millions, “Geniuses have something weird though” 你终其一生想要什么? What is your ultimate goal? 是金钱?是名气?权力还是全世界的认可 Is it money? Is it fame? Is it power? Is it global recognition? 是住在豪宅里 雇三个大厨给你忙活? Is it a mansion with three chefs in the kitchen? 还是用你不切实际的想法改变世界? Is it shaping the world with your unrealistic vision? 还是那个东西? Is it lust? 从上半身到下半身都能吸引到人 Got the charm, got the strength to handle all the groupies 无需担心责任 只要整晚狂欢 Having all the fun, no worries ‘bout a son 他们不停叫着还要 直到叫着不要 They begging for more till they beg to get done 都完蛋 The world is done 我们怎么会这个样子 Look what we’ve done 我看着周围发生的一切 已经迷失了 And all I can say when I see the world around is that it’s lost 我是一只绵羊 I am a sheep 我吃的是青草 Grass is what I eat 羊群去哪儿我也去哪儿 With the flock is where I be 他们要去哪儿?我不用清楚 Where they’re heading for I don’t need to know 咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩 Aah