- 殷海燕 Once 歌词
- 陈睿凡 殷海燕
- 编曲 : 陈睿凡/殷海燕
她今天醒来依然很累 Today she wake up but she’s still tired 已经是周一了,但她还要工作 It is Monday and she’s not yet retired 于是她打扮好自己,下定决心 So she get dressed up and make up her mind 毫无顾虑地去兜个风吧 Take a ride with all her hairs untied 她不想坐公车上班 She don’t wanna go to work in the bus ride 她只想通宵玩个尽兴 She just wanna stay up till the midnight 曾试着以她喜欢的方式生活 Try to live in the way she likes 直到她把她生命中的一切都搞砸 Till she ****s up everything in her life 她只想在日出之前喝个烂醉 She just wanna get wasted by sunrise 于是在漫长的车途中开了一瓶酒 Crack a bottle of wine in a long drive 喝下一口,她在我身边轻声说: Take a sip and she breathe by my side: “你想清楚了吗?” “Did you think this through?” “你要知道,人生不会重来” “You're living once, it's true” “跟随你的内心吧,它是不会骗你的” “Baby, hearts don't fool” “这就是我这样做的原因” “You know, that's why I do” 他今天醒来依然很累 Today he wake up but he’s still tired 已经到周日了,但他还在为歌词的韵脚发愁 It is Sunday but he’s still tryna rhyme 于是他穿上衣服,拿定主意 So he get dressed up and make up his mind 毫无顾虑地去河边兜个风吧 Take a ride along the river side 他不想赶着ddl写歌 He don’t wanna write songs by the deadline 他只想通宵玩个尽兴 He just wanna stay up till the midnight 曾试着以他喜欢的方式生活 Try to live in the way he likes 直到他把她生命中的一切都搞砸 Till he ****s up everything in his life 他只想在日出之前喝个烂醉 He just wanna get wasted by sunrise 于是在漫长的车途中开了一瓶酒 Crack a bottle of wine in a long drive 喝下一口,他在我身边轻声说: Take a sip and he breathe by my side: “你想清楚了吗?” “Did you think this through?” “你要知道,人生不会重来” “You're living once, it's true” “跟随你的内心吧,它是不会骗你的” “Baby, hearts don't fool” “这就是我这样做的原因” “You know, that's why I do” 作词/作曲:殷海燕,陈睿凡 Written by: Haiyan Yin, Ruifan Chen 制作人/编曲:陈睿凡,殷海燕 Producer: Ruifan Chen, Haiyan Yin 和声:陈睿凡 Backing Vocals: Ruifan Chen 录音:陈睿凡 Recording Engineer: Ruifan Chen 混音/母带:陈睿凡 Mixing & Mastering Engineer: Ruifan Chen 你想清楚了吗? Did you think this through? 你要知道,人生不会重来 You're living once, it's true 跟随你的内心吧,它是不会骗你的 Baby, hearts don't fool 这就是我这样做的原因 You know, that's why I do