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St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Aria: "Jesus Saviour I am thine"【The Bach Choir】

St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Aria: "Jesus Saviour I am thine" 歌词 The Bach Choir
The Bach Choir St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Aria: "Jesus Saviour I am thine" 歌词
The Bach Choir
The Bach Choir
Bach, J.S.: St. Matthew Passion
专辑歌曲 >
1.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recit: "And after they had sung a hymn together"
2.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Aria: "Make thee clean my heart from sin"
3.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "O grief! how throbs this heavy laden breast!"
4.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "At evening hour of calm and peace"
5.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Chorus: "Commit thy way to Jesus"
6.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "Tis I whose sins have bound thee..."
7.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Chorus: "O Lord who dares to smite Thee"
8.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. One:Aria: "Break in grief"
9.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. Two:Aria: "Give O give me back my Lord"
10.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "My Master and my Lord"
11.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. Two:Chorus: "In Tears of Grief"
12.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "And they that had laid hold on Jesus"
13.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "Not upon the feast"
14.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Aria: "If my tears be unavailing"
15.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "And behold one of the others"
16.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "The same was cast in His teeth by the robbers"
17.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Aria: "Have mercy Lord have mercy Lord on me"
18.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Aria: "For love my Saviour now is dying"
19.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:RecitChorus: "He said Go to one in the city yonder"
20.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "At that time there assembled the chief priests"
21.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "And Joseph took the body"
22.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recit: "And he went away"
23.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "Receive me my Redeemer"
24.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "Where where where wilt thou...
25.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "But they cried out the more"
26.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Aria: "Gladly would I take upon me"
27.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "And he came to his disciples"
28.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. One:Duet & Chorus: "Behold my Saviour Now is Taken"
29.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "And then with one accord they did spit
30.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recitative: "He holds His peace"
31.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. One:Chorus: "O Man thy Grievous Sin Bemoan"
32.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "When Jesus had completed all..."
33.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: " When Jesus understood it"
34.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorale: "O Father let thy will be done"
35.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. One:Aria: "I would beside my Lord be watching"
36.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "Simon Peter sat outside in the court"
37.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "And then behold the veil..."
38.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "And when they came unto the place"
39.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "To what purpose is this waste"
40.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. Two:Chorus: "O Sacred Head Surrounded"
41.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "O blessed Jesu.."
42.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "He answered them and said"
43.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative:"Now when Jesus was in Bethany"
44.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recitative: "And they took counsel together"
45.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Chorus: "Be near me Lord when dying"
46.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "And he came again and found them sleeping
47.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. Two:RecitChorus: "And now the Lord to rest is laid"
48.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "Ah Golgotha! Unhappy Golgotha!"
49.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: " Then came Jesus with them"
50.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "Although our eyes with tears o'erflow"
51.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recitative: "Yea though many lying witnesses came forward"
52.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Chorus: "O wondrous love that suffers this correction"
53.St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 - Rev. Elgar AtkinsPt. One:Chorus: "Come ye Daughters Share my Mourning"
54.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit Chorus: "And then did the soldiers..."
55.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:AriaChorus: "Ah! now is my Saviour gone"
56.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "Then went one of the disciples"
57.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "And he cast the silver pieces down in the temple"
58.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recit: "The Saviour low before His father bending"
59.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Aria: "Grief for sin"
60.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "And then began he to curse and to swear"
61.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recitative: "And after they had mocked at Him"
62.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recitative: "Now on the first day of the unleavened bread"
63.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Aria: "Come healing cross"
64.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "Now when the morning came"
65.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "Now from the sixth hour"
66.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:AriaChorus: "See ye! See the Saviour's outstretched hands!
67.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Recit: "Simon Peter made answer"
68.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Chorus: "How falsely doth the world accuse"
69.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "The governor answered.."
70.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:RecitChorus: "And the high priest answered
71.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "O Gracious God"
72.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Aria: "Endure Endure"
73.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Aria: "Jesus Saviour I am thine"
74.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Chorus: "Lamb of God I fall before Thee"
75.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit Chorus: "At that feast then"
76.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "To all men Jesus good hath done"
77.St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "Here would I stand beside Thee"
78.St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recitative: "In truth to bear the Cross"

The Bach Choir
> St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Aria: "Endure Endure"
> Stabat mater, Op. 96:Stabat Mater dolorosa (Solo Quartet, Chorus)
> Anonymous: Hush! My Dear, Lie Still and Slumber
> Messiah HWV 56, Part I: Recitative (Soprano): And Lo, the Angel
> God rest ye merry, gentlemen
> Unto Us is Born a Son
> Matthäus Passion, BWV 244: Aria (Tenor): Ich will bei meinem JesuChoral: So schlafen unsre
> St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Aria: "Jesus Saviour I am thine"
> St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Chorus: "Lamb of God I fall before Thee"
> Stabat mater, Op. 96:Finale: Virgo virginum praeclara (Solo Quartet, Chorus)
> Messiah HWV 56, Part III: Chorus: But Thanks Be to God
> Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: VI. Benedictus
> God rest ye merry, Gentlemen
> Anonymous: A Virgin Most Pure
> Matthäus Passion, BWV 244: Choral: Erkenne mich, mein Hüter
> Willcocks: Fanfare followed by O Come all ye Faithful
> Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: IV. Offertorium: II. Hostias
> Song to the Soul, Op. 97b
> Messiah HWV 56, Part III: Aria (Bass): The Trumpet Shall Sound
> Matthäus Passion, BWV 244: Evangelist: Und Joseph nahm den Leib
> Matthäus Passion, BWV 244: Evangelist, Pontifex, Jezus: Und der Hohepriester antwortete
> God rest ye merry, Gentlemen
> St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit Chorus: "At that feast then"
> Matthäus Passion, BWV 244: Evangelist, Jezus: Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Hofe
> St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recit: "To all men Jesus good hath done"
> Choral Symphony:III. Largo
> St. Matthew PassionPart 1:Chorus: "Here would I stand beside Thee"
> St. Matthew PassionPart 2:Recitative: "In truth to bear the Cross"
> Matthäus Passion, BWV 244: Aria (Bass): Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder!
> Messiah HWV 56, Part I: Chorus: For Unto Us a Child Is Born

The Bach Choir
> Requiem - W.A. Mozart & Krönungsmesse
> The World of Christmas Carols
> Songs of Magical Creatures: Fairy’s Song
> DYSON, G.: Choral SymphonySt Paul's Voyage to Melita (E. Watts, Hulcup, Ellicott, R. Williams, The Bach Choir, Bournemouth Symphony, D. Hill)
> J.S. Bach: Matthäus Passion (Deluxe Edition)
> Ffrr Pioneers, Vol. 5: J. S. Bach - St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1
> Handel: Messiah
> Ffrr Pioneers, Vol. 5: J. S. Bach - St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 2
> Carols for Choirs
> Bach, J.S.: St. Matthew Passion
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