- Eminem Public Enemy #1 歌词
- Eminem
好像有人再呼叫我 I sense someones tapping into my phones why do 为什么我有种大限将至的感觉(阿姆在写了《We as Americans》和《Mosh》后引起了FBI的注意) I got this feeling in my bones I might die soon FBI马上就会抽出出我的档案调查 The F.B.I might be tryin to pull my file soon 我即将被带走 置身风暴之中 I might be walking blind fold into a typhoon 我看你会见证火箭升空 I might be seeing rockets light up the night sky 就在我房间的窗外 Right outside of the window of my living room 如果他们真的把我带走 那你们恐怕要和我的音乐说再见了 And if they do you can say goodnight and bye bye to them itunes 如果我不在这之前多录些作品 If I don't try to record as much before I do 尽我所能 越多越好 The plan is to have as many in the can as I can 我这个将死之人在你们之前站在了这个岗亭里 As I stand before you in this booth a walking deadman 双目空洞 面无表情地看着我的脸 Blank stare dead pan look as my face as I gaze into space 我仰望苍穹 等着被带上警车 As I wait to be scooped up in that van 神奇般的凭空消失 Mysteriously disappear into thin air 他们会说一个狙击手悄无声息地潜伏在窗外 And they gon' say a sniper just appeared out of no where 我将载入史册 And I'll go down in the history as the blood sucking leech 那些吸血蚂蝗只会躲在自由演说后面无所作为 Who hid behind the freedom of speech 表面上遵循第五修正案 却暗地里违背它 Tryed to take the fifth amendment use it' twist it and bend it 最终把我定罪为恶人 而非英雄(隐喻政府的两面性) And ended up dying to fill out in the heros splinters 多么轰动的一个结局 我能感受到这巨大的轰动 The business way to end this I can feel the tremors tremendous 回想起911事件 In remembrance of september 11 那是9月7号 Flash back to september 7th Tupac在拉斯维加斯的遇难之日 When Tupac was murdered in Vegas 他曾说他预料到了他的死亡 He said that he predicted his own death 我们永远不会忘记 Let us never forget it or should we ever live to regret it 就像肯尼迪总统遇刺那一天 Like the day John F Kennedy was assasinated in broad day 被一个精神病患者枪杀 By a craze lunatic with a gun 一个刚好在那里的教科书仓库大楼工作的人 Who just happened to work on the same block in a library book depository 总统周五散步经过的地方 Where the President would go for a little friday stroll 从长满草的小山坡后射出致命一枪 Shots fired from the grassy knoll 但是他们到底知不知道?(暗示杀手另有其人) But they don't know or do they? 他们说谁容易感动? Whos they for them to say Touch? 我们都神经过于敏感 Where all vunerable and it's spooky 我现在变得容易妄想? This is about as cookey as I've ever felt now 为核崩溃倒计时 Count down to Nuclear Meltdown 7' 6' 5' 4' 3' 2' 1 7' 6' 5' 4' 3' 2' 1 你尽可以逃走 做你想做的事 You can run you can do what you want to 但是你知道你不会做任何事 But you know you aint gonna do nuttin 是时候了 该你上了 When its time its your time 你是头号目标 You are the prime target 你成为了全民公敌 You have become Public Enemy Number 1