- Cage the Elephant Lotus 歌词
- Cage the Elephant
- Woke up before the morning sun
天还没亮我就爬了起来 I found it tucked beneath the hills 在山脚下发现了太阳 I sat and watched it rise 静静地坐着看它升起 It hit the sky and burst to flames 看它冲上云霄,像火球一样燃烧 The lotus flower's 像朵莲花似的 Got me thinking bout the way we live 让我不禁陷入了人生的思考 I've got this feeling 我总觉着, It's gonna stop 这一切差不多要结束了。 Driven by religion 宗教驱使着人们 Running backwards down a one way road 在笔直的大路上倒退 A course collision, split decision 鸡毛蒜皮被贴上争议,思想早已分崩离析 Tryin' to save your soul 它们想要“救赎”你的灵魂 Manifest Destiny “昭昭天命” Is just a fancy word for murder 那只不过是屠杀的另一个名字 I've got this feeling 我总觉着, It's gonna stop 一切都差不多要结束了。 A billion faces running round my head 成千上万的面孔在脑海里闪个没完 All got opinions but the don't mean **** 每个人都说三道四的,就好像真的有意义一样 Keep droppin' bombs untill the whole world's dead 抨击、反对、抗议、游行,直到世界末日 They said it's all been done and it's all been said “该说的都说了,该做的都做了” They'll turn this message into a pop movement 然后就把所谓的流行思潮搬上大雅之堂 A fasion statement, call it politics 前卫思想,我们就叫它政治主张 You can't mark my words they'll put a spin on it 你可以记住我说的,然后去对号入座吧 They say it's all been done “没问题的!” Look outside the box my friend 醒醒吧老哥 You heart's been dead since who knows when 你的良心早不知道什么时候就被狗吃了 It seems we've missed the mark 似乎我们就是这样,错失了机会 Lost all hope and given in 失去了热情,开始向现实妥协 Pack up the suitcase 把正装打理好 Take that handkerchief and wipe off your chin 接过手绢擦擦嘴角 The fear that drives you 你内心的惶恐 Needs to be stopped 该收敛收敛了 A billion faces running round my head 成千上万的面孔在脑海里闪个没完 All got opinions but the don't mean **** 每个人都指东道西,说话没个屁响 Keep droppin' bombs untill the whole world's dead 反对!反对!自生自灭去吧 They said it's all been done and it's all been said 每个人都把自己当回事儿似的 They'll turn this message into a pop movement 泼妇骂街,我们叫它反抗运动 A fasion statement, call it politics 荒唐无理,我们叫它政治思潮 You can't mark my words they'll put a spin on it 记住我说的话,然后去对号入座吧 They say it's all been done 该做的都做了,不是吗? Fell into a daze 陷入了晕眩和迷茫 And found my mind was gone and laid to waste 我的精神早已死亡,早被丢进垃圾堆了 A battle ground indeed 看看那些鲜血染红的战场吧 Where holy wars have taken place 那可是“神圣的正义之战”! I saw the sun set watched it travel down 我就这么看着太阳落下山 And tear you through the ground 被大地撕了个粉碎 The hate the drives us 我们心中的愤怒呢? Needs to be stopped 该省省了吧