- Rise Against Architects 歌词
- Rise Against
- Are there no fighters left here any more?
Are we the generation we've been waiting for? Or are we patiently burning 世界上的斗士 都不见了吗 Waiting to be saved? 我们就是命中注定的一代吗
或者说我们正在慢慢地煎熬 Our heroes our icons have mellowed with age 等待别人伸出援手? Following rules that they once disobeyed 我们的英雄和先驱,随着时间慢慢消逝 Are now being led when they used to lead the way 遵循着他们曾反叛过的规则
曾经身为引路人 现在却被指引 Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before? 你是否还相信你曾经捍卫过的东西 you stood by (你捍卫过的东西) Are you up and on the front lines? 你是在前线为之奋斗 Or at home keeping score? 还是在家中举棋不定? Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate? 你是想做封印自己命运的砖块的垫层 bricks that seal your (封印你命运的) Would you rather be the architect of what we might create? 还是想做创造无限可能的建筑师?
GO! 打开蓝图
便打好了地基 Laying out the blueprints 混凝土来减缓我们的损毁 That pour down a base 但他们走了之后,替代的又会是谁? Concrete solutions to slow our decay 对啊,会是那些愤世嫉俗的人吗 But when they are gone' who the ****'s gonna take their place? 批评如同潮水般涌来
你说“真悲剧啊”声音却只能从地板上传出 Yeah' will it be the cynic 那些有信仰的人 The critics galore 可以去拜访被大众忽视的他们了 You say "how pathetic"' passed out on the floor 你是否还相信你曾经捍卫过的东西 The trustee can visit (你捍卫过的东西) Who collectively ignored 你是在前线为之奋斗
还是在家中犹豫不决? Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before? 你是想做封印自己命运的砖块的垫层 you stood by (封印你命运的) Are you up and on the front lines? 还是想做创造无限可能的建筑师? Or at home keeping score? 你不记得你自己小的时候了吗 Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate? 曾经恨不得让整个世界都颠覆 bricks that seal your 在你内心深处,我知道你改变了想法 Would you rather be the architect of what we might create? 嘿
嘿 Don't you remember when you were young? 你们大家,忘记你们小时候了吗 And you wanted to set the world on fire? 那时我们想要天翻地覆的愿望
因为我还记得, Somewhere deep down' I know you don't 而且现在也一样! HEY! HEY! 从不害怕 从不后退
即便背负着被世人 HEY! HEY! 怀疑与议论的压力
让我们放手一搏 And all you remember when we were young 冲着我们的赌注 How we wanted to set the world on fire 我们要做我们的建筑师,我们命运的主人!
对啊,我们还相信我们曾捍卫过的东西 Because I still am (捍卫过的) And I still do 现在我们见到的是前所未有过的多
我知道我们不是孤身一人,也不是第一个 Make no mistake we are not afraid (我们不是)
但毫无歉意地讲,我们决不食言! To bear the burden of repeating
What they're thinking anyway LET'S RAISE THE STAKES
On the bet we made
Let's decide to be the architects' the masters of our fate Yeah' we still believe in all the things that we stood by before stood by And now to everything we've seen here maybe even more And I know we're not the only ones we were not the first were not the Unapologetically we'll stand behind these words