- CAKE Short SkirtLong Jacket 歌词
- I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
我想拥有一个钻石心灵的女孩 I want a girl who knows what's best 我想拥有一个明辨是非的女孩 I want a girl with shoes that cut 我想拥有一个穿镂空鞋子的女孩 And eyes that burn like cigarettes 她的目光如火焰般炽热 I want a girl with the right allocations 我想拥有一个会合理安排的女孩 Who's fast and thorough and sharp as a tack 她的行动一贯到底、雷厉风行 She's playing with her jewelry 她赏玩珠宝 She's putting up her hair 她高束头发 She's touring the facility 她游刃有余 And picking up slack 她整装待发 I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket 我想拥有一个穿着短裙和长夹克的女孩 I want a girl who gets up early 我想拥有一个起得早的女孩 I want a girl who stays up late 我想拥有一个爱熬夜的女孩 I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity 我想拥有一个精力旺盛的女孩 Who used a machete to cut through red tape 她用弯刀穿过繁文缛节 With fingernails that shine like justice 她的指甲闪闪发光 And a voice that is dark like tinted glass 声音如有色玻璃,充满诱惑 She is fast and thorough 她的行动一贯到底 And sharp as a tack 雷厉风行 She's touring the facility and picking up slack 步伐轻盈、整装待发 I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnng.... lonnng jacket 我想拥有一个穿短裙和长长夹克的女孩 I want a girl with a smooth liquidation 我想拥有一个伶牙俐齿的女孩 I want a girl with good dividends 我想拥有一个不整天买买买的女孩 And at the city bank we will meet accidentally 在城市的银行,我们偶遇 We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen 她向我借笔,我们开始攀谈 She wants a car with a cupholder arm rest 她想要一辆车、一个坚实的臂膀 She wants a car that will get her there 她想要一辆车带她到那里 She's changing her name from katie to karen 她把名字从katie改为karen She's trading her mg for a white chrysler le barron 她将汽车从MG换成白色克莱斯特 I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnggggggggg jacket 我想拥有一个穿短裙和长长长长长长长夹克的女孩