- Olivia O'Brien UDK 歌词
- Olivia O'Brien
- You see me on my Instagram
我知道你看到过我在Instagram上晒出的自拍 Oh, yeah, I heard that you have met a couple of my friends 也听闻你与我的几个好友相识 So you pretend like you know me and know my intent 所以你装作一副我的知心好友的模样来讨我欢心 When really we have never talked and it's all in your head 但你要清楚这仅仅是你的一厢情愿死缠烂打 You see me at a party once 你我在一场派对里有一面之缘 So now you think that gives you the right to judge 但这并不能赋予你对我指指点点干涉评价我的权利 You don't know enough 你根本不是我的所谓知己 And you can ask whoever but 你可以去和任何人交往缠绵 Unless it comes to me 可我只希望你能消失在我的视线当中 It's just not something you should trust 你不该去听信外界的那些流言蜚语 So how can you hate me before we have a conversation? 你我并无交集 为何你要一昧地厌恶我 I wonder where you getting all your information 为何你要根据那些谣言来定义我 'Cause you don't, you don't, you don't 归根究底 Know about me 还是你不够了解我 You don't, you don't, you don't 归根究底 Know about me 还是你对我一无所知 You don't even know me 你并不清楚我的为人处世 You just know what you like to believe 只是偏执地听信那些流言蜚语 You don't even know me 你对我根本一无所知 So keep running out of your mouth, please 请不要在外界散布那些谣言了 'Cause you don't know about me 你对我根本一无所知 I don't think that we've ever talked 我并不记得你我有多大交集 But everytime you talk to someone else my name is dropped 但当你与别人高谈阔论时却总是抹黑我的名声 Happens a lot 一而再再而三 If you keep it up you might get blocked 我会竭我所能去澄清这些谣言的 I don't know what else I can do to make you ******* stop 可我不知怎样才能戳穿你那恶毒的小把戏 Cause you've given me a reputation 你散布的那些流言使我声名狼藉 I don't even know where you heard 你散布的那些谣言 All of the things you're saying 究竟是从谁的口中听闻 That your creation 亦或者那只是你一人的恶毒想法 Yeah, there's been a miscommunication 也许这只是一场隔阂误会 Or maybe not and you're just have attention depravation 但也不乏你只是借此博得眼球的可能 So how can you hate me before we have a conversation? 你我并无交集 为何你要一昧地厌恶我 I wonder where you getting all your information 为何你要根据那些谣言来定义我 'Cause you don't, you don't, you don't 归根究底 Know about me 还是你不够了解我 (No, no, you don't, no, no, you don't) (你并不了解我的品行心性) You don't, you don't, you don't 归根究底 Know about me 还是你对我一无所知 (No, no, you don't, no, no, you don't) (你并不了解我的品行心性) You don't even know me 你并不清楚我的为人处世 You just know what you like to believe (to believe it) 只是偏执地听信那些流言蜚语 (Yeah, you believe it) (只是根据那些谣言来定义我) You don't even know me 你对我根本一无所知 So keep running out of your mouth, please 请不要在外界散布那些谣言了 'Cause you don't know about me 归根究底 You don't, you don't, you don't know 还是你不够了解我 You don't know, you don't know, you don't know 还是你对我一无所知