- Outlandish WarriorWorrier 歌词
- Outlandish
- do whatever you love and you'll be free
无所禁忌,自由才会降临于你 if you can't buy happiness, try to lease 金钱若买不来幸福,尽力去感受吧 buy a better mirror stare a little longer now 擦亮镜子静静地凝视自己 one thousand reasons to cry out is that a lot 可以痛哭的理由千千万万 a thousand reasons to smile tell you why 值得微笑的理由同样万万千千 consolation to your tears 这些是否足以抚慰你的泪水 imma light up your way 我会是那束烟火,黑暗中点亮你的归途 for what is worth you're my warrior 因为你是我心中的勇士 and i'm your warrior 是你我成就了彼此 do not be confused by the murderers 不要因身边的穷凶极恶而困惑 goodness is bigger than us you can't see it cause 仁慈的力量远大于人性本身 it is silent yeah but it's feeding this world 因为它正无声地孕育着这个世界 you are not depressed cause you fight out of love 尽力了,就不要因感情的挫折而心灰意冷 everything is a test maybe you're better off 适时放手,也是爱的表现 what you call a problem i just call them lessons of love 在你眼中的挫折我只认为是爱的一次考验 for what is worth you're my warrior 因为你是我心中的勇士 and i'm your warrior 是你我成就了彼此 come on let's take a walk 来吧,让我们走走 don't say a word, let's not talk 就这么静静地散步 let the silence do all the communicating tonight 万籁俱寂,让我们在彼此眼中寻找自己 life's not just a walk in the park 生活本不仅于此 i know that but it's a start right 但我知道这至少是个不错的开始 they say silence is gold 常听“沉默是金” but it's kinda hard when so much remains untold 哽噎难言却又刺痛着我的内心 you looking the other way and me kicking up dust 扬起脚下的尘土,你我就这么貌合神离地走着 blocking the sun still got shades on 尘埃模糊了暮色 blocking our point of view, here he differ a lot 模糊了彼此眼中的自己 about what and what not's, what we ain't 彼此的不同 and what we could've got 却越发的清晰 thinking our arms ain't too short to box with god 想想上帝未曾抛弃你我 this ain't midnight stroll in paris 在虚幻中沉迷,但终要回到现实,这并不是午夜的巴黎漫步 more like a careless walk through a field of land mines 更像在雷池中漫无目的地散步 i cherish you, though you're a warrior too 将心比心,我仍珍视同为勇士的你 what are we to do 但我们又将何去何从 god never promised you days without pain 人有悲欢离合 laughter without sorrow,sun without rain 月有阴晴圆缺 but he did promised strength for you everyday 逆境中上天自会指引你如何应对 still in tears, oh, how can i not be sad 沉溺于过去,使我如同失去了双眼 for my guidance was, was upon your hands 你的一颦一笑都曾牵动着我的心 wrapped around i pray i'm praying you understand 到最后我祈祷你能理解我的处境 for what is worth you're my warrior 因为你是我心中的勇士 and i'm your warrior 是你我成就了彼此 te falta el aire 我们如同需要空气一样 te compro el viento 需要爱 soy tu dinero 没有爱情的财富 si yo te quiero 如同没有果实的树枝 porque te vas 你是 mi fusilero 一名苏米步枪手 soy lo que veo 使我似乎看到了什么 soy lo que das 明白了什么 tu prisionero 从此你俘获了我 lo que me diste 成为你的阶下囚 lo guardo adrentro 因为你是我心中的 soy tu guerrero 勇士 from my mother i learned never it's too late 母亲教会了我“活在当下” that it's always possible to start out again 世上没有绝对的处境,只有对处境绝望的人 you may feel you've stopped but you're just on your way 你眼中举步维艰是暂时的 you are not depressed, you're just unemployed 不要因失业而苦恼 this is all we got, don't you kill it boy 懂得感恩,即获得快乐 everybody's in love when things are going well 相信美好的事情总会发生 or what is worth you're my warrior 因为你是我心中的勇士 and i'm your warrior 是你我成就了彼此 you're my warrior 你是我心中的勇士