- Shine A Light Pt.2 feat. Awa and Oldwun 歌词 Robert de Boron
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- Robert de Boron Shine A Light Pt.2 feat. Awa and Oldwun 歌词
- Robert de Boron
- Shine a light
照亮光芒 Shine a light 照亮光芒 Shine a light on me 照耀我的生命 Shine a light 照亮光芒 Shine a light 照亮光芒 Shine a light on me 照耀我的生命
照耀我的生命,哪怕是在黑暗里 Shine a light on even if it's quietly 需要你在前带领 Need you to take the lead 这样我就能看到那光芒为我指引 So I can see the light thats guiding me 在我最黑暗的时刻,需要光芒照亮前路 Through my darkest times, I need that light to shine 当我看不到一丝希望,你会否作照明的萤火虫? When I can't see a ray of hope, will you be my fire fly? 在未知的事物里惊慌失措,无处可从 Tip toein through the unknown, ain't really cuttin' it 我坐在墙头上,需要像突破重围般走出困境 I'm sittin' on the wall, need a breakthrough like it's cuttin' edge 当密布的乌云被吹散,我听到幸福就在天空上,因为在另一边会有更耀眼的景象 I heard when all the grey clouds clear the sky happiness resides 'cos it's brighter on the other side 目睹到疑惑的阴影想要吞噬我 I seen shadows of doubt tryna consume me 我感到压力和迎刃而解的轻松 I felt the heat and the pressure like a jacuzzi 但我依旧坚持走向前,如热流向上升腾,我发现自己再一次闪耀 I stayed on top, rose above it like hot air, I found my shine again 已觉阴影已经消散不见 Noticed the shadows were not there! 我看到阳光透照,见到天空变得湛蓝 I saw the sun shine through, I saw the skies turn blue 我手中握着我的梦想,跟随梦想的每一步 I grabbed ahold of my dreams, followed there every move 它们重新点燃了夺目的火花 They re-ignited da spark to shine a light 所以现在我在床边燃亮蜡烛让烛光在夜里引我走入梦乡 So now I keep a candle by my bed to guide my dreams at night 为我在世界各地的人们照亮光芒 Shine a light for my people all around the world 从贫民区到日本的人们 From the ghetto to Japan 让繁星看到你们的双手 Let the stars see your hands Yeah… 唱给我在世界各地的人们 For my people all around the world 从邻里到小岛上 From the hood to the islands 继续让光上扬 Keep on rising 将这光亮带到最高处 Take it to the highest (照亮光芒) (Shine a light) 照耀我的生命,哪怕这光微弱无比 Shine a light on me, even if its moderately 让这光芒持续下去,仿佛它注定会永远不熄 Let's keep it steady, keep it flowin like its supposed to be 为了其他来路人同样照亮归途 Highlight the way for the others to come thru 给他们指点出哪一条才是可选择的明路 Show them the way they can "try", "do it" & "don't do" 我所需是一束暂存片刻的光芒,让我睁开双目认清眼前的问题 All I needed was a light on me for a second, that opened up my eyes and got me circulating questions 我的生命是否有更多意义而非单单的存在 Is there more to me being here then just existin 或是将我的那束光芒传播出去让人们倾听 Or to spread my light and to get my people listenin 真伪莫辨,我的一生有过太多争执 Fact or fiction, my lifes had it's share of friction 我面对的方式,却只是简单的逃避 How I dealt with it, was to get it out my system 把沉重冗余的事物从我的心中放下 To get wat was heavy on my heart, off my chest Ain't never done me wrong, aint found no better yet 所以我传递自己的光芒像交出奥林匹克火炬 So I relay my light just like the olympic flame 伴随希冀传出,总有一天人们会让它奔放闪耀 With hope that other people too will run wid it one day 让光芒自己传递下去就像拂晓那样生生不息 And spread the light themselves somethin like a morning rise 并见证这光芒敞开沉睡之人的双眼 And bare witness to the shine through sleepy eyes 为我在世界各地的人们照亮光芒
从贫民区到日本的人们 Shine a light for my people all around the world 让繁星看到你们的双手 From the ghetto to Japan Let the stars see your hands 唱给我在世界各地的人们 Yeah… 从邻里到小岛上 For my people all around the world 继续让光上扬 From the hood to the islands 将这光亮带到最高处 Keep on rising 让光芒永远都照耀着我 Take it to the highest 是时候将万众光芒聚在一起,让世界这个家庭照耀通明 Shine a light on me in all of its entirity 让我们连为一体,作为整体点亮自己 It's time to merge the spotlights and house lights entirely 向天空高举起我们的双手让别人看见 lets get together as 1, and shine as a collective 传给那些身旁和天边的人们,还有被阻挡的人们 Raise dem hands to da sky just get perspective 从来不去假设,没有倘若的可能性 Of whos with me, who aint, who on the wall 来成为茫茫拼图碎片中的一份子,拼凑成完美的图片 Can't have no "I might be" man, it's either or 你选择可以将这话铭记在心,或是将其略过忘记 So join all the pieces of the puzzle, get the picture 从新西兰到日本,我们跨过不少鸿沟 You can take what was learnt and pass it like a scripture 就让光芒照耀玻里尼西亚人和Goon Trax【Goon Trax 日本音乐厂牌】 From N Z to Japan, we came to bridge gaps 你也能看到在那群星之中的光华 So shine a light on da Nesians over Goon Trax 我们回以光芒照耀,无论你是谁 And you too can see what is seen amongst the stars 无论你是谁 We give that shine back, no matter who ya are 我们回以光芒照耀,无论你是谁 Yeah.. No matter who ya are.. 无论你是什么身份 We give that shine back no matter who ya are 我们回以光芒照耀,无论你是谁 No matter who ya are.. 照亮光芒 We give that shine back no matter who ya are 照亮光芒 Shine a light 照耀我的生命 Shine a light 照亮光芒 Shine a light on me 照亮光芒 Shine a light 照耀我的生命 Shine a light 照亮光芒 Shine a light on me 唱给我在世界各地的人们 Shine a light… 从贫民区到日本的人们 For my people all around the world 让繁星看到你们的双手 From the ghetto to Japan Let the stars see your hands 唱给我在世界各地的人们 Yeah… 从邻里到小岛上 For my people all around the world 继续让光上扬 From the hood to the islands 将这光亮带到最高处 Keep on rising 照亮光芒 Take it to the highest Shine a light