- Yolanda Adams I Believe 歌词
- Yolanda Adams
他们说你不会就此止步 They said you wouldn't make it so far a a 即便自他们说这条路困难重重 And ever since they've said it its been hard 但没关系,眼泪只或许会在那夜流下 But never mind that night'cha had to cry 因为你从未真正将这些困难放在心上 Cause you had never let it go inside 你非常努力地工作,你明白自己所想所需且信念坚定 You worked real hard and you know exactly what you want and need so believe 而且你永远不会放弃 And you can never give up 你便一定能达到自己最终的目标 You can reach your goals 只要对你的灵魂说 Just talk to your soul and say 我相信我可以 I believe i can 我相信我将会 I believe i will 我相信我所坚定的的梦想是真实的 I believe i know my dreams are real 我相信我会唱 I believe i'll chant 我相信我能舞 I believe i'll dance 我相信我会快速地成长 I believe i'll grow real soon and 这就是我所相信的 That is what i do believe 只懂得歌唱是愚钝的,你的灵魂在渴求着其他 Your fools are just's singing, your soul aha 你知道你的舞动会让其发光 And you know that your moves will let them show 你不停地在你的大脑里编织蓝图 You keep creating pictures in your mind 所以你只需相信你的梦想即将成真 So just believe they will come true in time 把你的烦恼和压力都抛在脑后是可以的 It will be fine leave all of your cares and stress behind 让它去吧 Just let it go 让音乐再一次流动在心间冲刷苦痛 Let the music flow inside again the pain 只需开始相信 It just start to believe 我相信我可以 I believe i can 我相信我将会 I believe i will 我相信我的梦想是真实的 I believe i know my dreams are real 我相信我会唱 I believe i'll chant 我相信我能舞 I believe i'll dance 我相信我会快速地成长 I believe i'll grow real soon and 这就是我所相信的 That is what i do believe 不要在乎别人怎么说 At third my yet what people say 昂起头,绕开闲言碎语 Hold your head high and turn away 带着我所有的希望和梦想,坚定自己的信念 With all my hopes and dreams I will believe 即便似乎并不适合我 Even though it seems it's not for me 我不会放弃,我一定会坚持下去 I won't give up, i'll keep it up 仰望天空 Looking to the sky 我跪下我的膝盖 I will achieve on my knees 我将永远相信 I will always believe 我相信我可以 I believe i can 我相信我将会 I believe i will 我相信我所坚定的梦想是真实的 I believe i know my dreams are real 我相信我会唱 I believe i'll chant 我相信我能舞 I believe i'll dance 我相信我会快速地成长 I believe i'll grow real soon and 这就是我所坚信的 That is what i do believe